Chapter 11

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I see Lily get taken away.

If she thinks I'll just leave as she is being kidnapped she can think again.

I start to run after her but someone grabs me. "Where do you think you're going?" A strange woman asks me, shoving a needle in my arm and injecting me with something.

I fall and the last thing I see is her smirk and a great pain shoots through my arms.

When I wake up no one is there and I feel relieved until I realize that I am tied to a tree. Now how am I supposed to get away?

I yank on the restraints and the ropes burn into my flesh. I wince and try my best to get the ropes to burn into my flesh the least I can.

I don't quite know when I passed out but I did.

When I woke up the woman was back. In her hands was Lily, she was dangling from her feet. I gasped. "What did you do to her?" I spat in her face.

"Don't worry, she'll be awake any moment. Now if I untie you, you will help me tie her up." She says pointing at Lily. "Or I'll kill you and her." She threatens and starts to untie me.

Once she is done I take Lily's unconscious body and I tie her to the tree. I tie her loosely and the woman checks over it. "It's not tight enough." She says and punches me in the jaw. She fixes it and ties me to another tree.

"Please, I can help with making a camp." I beg. "Don't tie me up again."

"Fine." She spats at me. "But remember, one escape attempt and you'll be dead."

"Understood." I say and I start to gather wood for a fire. When I return she starts a fire and starts to roast a squirrel. Where did she get that? She must have went hunting while I was getting firewood. When the squirrel was done I got one leg and she saved one leg for Lily, which I saw her eyes flutter open, she saw me and pretended to sleep again. Good girl.

"She's been sleeping too long." She grunts and slaps Lily's face.

"Wake up Lily." I say in a rough tone but with a sweet and caring tone behind it that only Lily would notice. She opens her eyes and I start to talk to her, "Eat up. I'll feed it to you."

"Okay." She mumbles and eats the food. "We need to leave." She whispers to me.

"If we do, we'll die." I reply quietly.

"I have to tell you something." She mutters back. I nod my head signaling for her to continue."This may sound weird but... I'm a... A werewolf." I look shocked but quickly hide it as I throw the squirrel leg.

"Ok, let's get some rest." She barks. I thought she wasn't going to tie me up but she grabbed my wrist and tied me tighter than before. Did I upset her?

Once she was sleeping I looked over at Lily.


I have no choice.

I turn into my werewolf form. My clothes rip a bit but not as much as usual because they are Shadow's and I'm still a small werewolf as of now.

I try to break the ropes and after many unsuccessful tries I finally break free. I quickly untie my feet. After that, I run over to Shadow and break her free. She falls and gasps for breath. "What's wrong?" I ask worry obvious in my voice.

"Nothing, just the ropes burn and the more I breathed the more it hurt."

"That totally sounds like Nothing." I say rolling my eyes. She laughs and I pick her up. In my wolf form it stills pushes me just to carry her.

"You can let me down. I am capable of walking." She complains and I set her down. As soon as her foot touches the ground she collapses over herself.

"You're not fine. You're hiding something." I reply.

"Fine. I hurt my foot earlier. When I woke up it stung but I could hold myself and I didn't want ropes tied around it, it made it worse being tied." Shadow says and I see a couple tears roll down her cheek.

"I'll carry you, don't cry." I order and pick her up. This will take longer since she can't walk and is bigger than my wolf at the moment.


I hated admitting I was hurt but she helped me to the castle. When we make it to the castle I decide to walk on my own. I jump down and my leg is a little stronger. Surprisingly I hop to the castle. When I make it to the castle I start to drag my castle.

I start to feel sick. And the world goes black.


I run out to some noise. Then I see Shadow lying on the ground unconscious. I run to her and pick her up. I decide to let her sleep longer.

I carry her to her bed and I carefully set her down. I kiss her forehead and leave the room.

I hurry down the stairs, "Is she okay?" A guard asks and I pass them ignoring them. I walk to the kitchen and pull out an ale. I gulp it down and head to my room to pass out.

In the morning my head was throbbing. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. After my shower my headache died down.

I decided to check on Shadow. I was glad to see that no one had disturbed her. I heard the shower running and I saw all the sticky clothes from sweat on the floor. I decided to wait for her.

10 minutes later she stepped out wrapped in a towel. She looked my way and screamed. "Sorry, I just didn't know you were here."

"I can leave." I tell her.

"No, stay." She says, "Just give me a second." She says and walks into the bathroom with a pile of clothes.

"Okay." I say cheerfully and I sit down on the bed. It hasn't been long and she comes out, her brown hair in a braid down her back. "How are you feeling?" I ask standing up to walk to her.

"Better. Thanks for bringing me back." She says and hugs me. I kiss her forehead and she smiles at me. "Is Lily okay?"

"One of the guards said she was sleeping in the spare room in the basement." She smiles and leans in to kiss me, I kiss her back. She breaks the kiss and leans her forehead against mine. "I'll see you later my queen." I whisper to her and kiss her forehead before leaving.


My smile disappears when Tate leaves. I sigh and sit down on my bed where Tate was sitting.

I head down the stairs for breakfast and I notice no one is there. "Get to posts! We're under attack!" I hear Tate yell to some guards. When he sees me he runs to me, "Get to the spare room in the basement with Lily. Stay there until I come back." He orders me.

"I don't want you to get hurt!" I tell him.

"Just be a good girl and I'll be back in a jiffy! Okay?" Tate says.

"Okay." I say sadly. He kisses me quickly and leaves.

"Get to the basement!" He yells behind him to me. And I start to hurry to the basement.

When I make it to the spare room Lily greets me. "Shadow! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. How are you?" I laugh.

"Better than before!" And we both laugh. "Me too!" I reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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