chapter 10

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--Sebastian pov--

I was waiting out side the door waiting for the doctor to come out and tell me what happen to y/n. after what seems hours the doctor told me I could go in I went in and sat down next to y/n " so what is wrong with her ." I asked the doctor " sigh* it hard to tell people this but y/n is dying she has blood in her lungs so she would be coughing up blood and she will pass out so you cant work her to much and she shouldn't be yelling at all either." she said frowning. I started to tear up didn't think this would be the problem and didn't expect that she was dying. " how long until she is gone." I have to say a week or less ." that's when I started to break down crying.

I then nodded my head and stand up and walked out to the young masters room I knocked twice before walking in " young master I have something to tell are n/n is dying." ciel looked up from his papers shocked from what I said " Sebastian its not funny to joke about that." " sorry young master b-but this is no joke" I said to my young master. he stand up right away." take me to her right now." I nodded and started to walk back to the room I left her in. once we got there she wasn't I there we started to panic but then we thought she was in her room so we walked up and we were right just came in the wrong time once we walked in we didn't notice you were changing until we all looked up at each other " GET OUT YOU PERVS.."

she yelled I cover my masters eyes and walked back out. after a few seconds the door opened and she was red as a tomato. " is there anything you need." " yes young master wanted to see if you were ok." yes im fine where is he" I moved out of the way and the young master stand right in front of her blushing a little from what happened. " umm.... I wanted to tell you that you need to stay in the house our backyard you cant go far because of what happen earlier . " he said she nodded her head understanding why. " is that all you needed to tell me" we both nodded and walked away.

++Ciel pov++

'I cant believe someone so sweet so kind is dying and she doesn't even know.' I sighed as I was to busy think what its going to be like with out her big smile and tight hugs. after a while I was time for dinner so I started to walk down. once I was down there I saw Sebastian and y/n she was on his back telling him to go I smirked looking at them. once he sat her down in her chair and went to get our foodI looked at her and smiled she also smiled back at me before Sebastian came back with our food and sat it down we both started to eat. we were in the middle of eat when I heard coughing I looked up and saw y/n coughing she had a napkin up to her mouth and there was red bleeding threw I got up knock my chair down and rushed to her so did Sebastian once he notice what was happening.

after she was done coughing she smiled and fainted I couldn't help but tear up " Sebastian take her to her room please." he nodded and picked her up and walked away I sigh and started to walk up to my room I wasn't ready for this everyone else died my life was miserable until we found her at first I didn't like the idea until I grew to love her and now she is going to leave me like everyone else I couldn't help but break down into tears .I couldn't help it I was so upset I sighed and wiped my tears away and got ready for bed on my own.

**Sebastian pov**

I walked her into her room and put her on her bed and pulled the covers over her I couldn't help but cry ' me a demon crying over a human girl.' I thought I looked at her and smiled I didn't want to leave her I want to stay with her forever just why did it happen to her. I stand up and walked to the other side and lay with her I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to my chest and fell asleep.

hehehe I know im evil to make reader-chan die but you know I like the idea I have you have to wait to she it though it a good idea or plot for the story hehehe. anyway I hope you liked the chapter 5 more chapters until it over maybe I don't know but keep voting leave comments and until then bye bye.

levi: why am I not in the story its suppose to be me and y/n.

koneko: idk you have a big part soon you become yandere its fucking awesome

levi: really just why cant it be happy

koneko: to much happy life isn't filled with happiness now shut up shorty and let me start next chapter.

levi: whatever bye bye y/n see you soon

914 words

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