Chapter 3

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Sorry for not updating in a while hahaha......

~~Y/n Pov~~
I woke up to see a white ceiling I looked around to see machines and cabinets that when I noticed that I was still alive and I was in a hospital in tried to get up but my arms hurt and so is my back is look a my arms and noticed that I had a cast on my arm I then looked to see a bunch of wires on me I pulled them off and got up i still felt a lot of pain but I didn't care that much I walked to the light and turned them on I looked at the clock it was midnight I was about to walk until I her foot steps so I freaked out and turn the lights of and layed back in the bed and closed my eyes I heard the door open and close I open my eyes to see no one I sighed in relief I looked around to see a window at the side of my hospital room I open the door to notice that I was on the second floor I walked away and looked around some more until I saw flowers and a card 'how did I not notice this' I walk to the flowers and smelled them they were f/fl(favorite flower) i saw a card so I  open the card it said
I'm sorry please forgive me and why did you do that you scared me half to death Y/n don't do it again I will see you in the morning you better be awake brat
I started to cry 'why does he think everything will be alright I was so anger and so sad I didn't want to see him but part of me wanted to I finally made up my mind I'm going to run away I looked around to find away to get out of this hell hole until I remember the widow I went back and lucky they where so stupid to have placed me in a room with a window with a tree in front of it but before i left i went to the board with my information on it and i ripped it so i would not long be know once I got out of the hospital I ran to my house I grabbed my stuff lucky levi wasn't home probably with his bitch of a girlfriend when I got everything I started to get in the car before I thought that they would probably find me cause of the license plate so I got out and started to walk to the city I use to live when I was a little girl.
--Levi Pov--
(To the night when reader-chan jump)

I ran as fast as I could down the stairs out the door to the police they pushed me back saying I had to be fucking family not her boyfriend but when I look I see shitty glasses holding a unconscious Y/n I wanted to see her but instead I got pushed back as they took Y/n in the ambulance and shitty glasses got in with her after that I started to run to the hospital when I got their I ran to the girl at the desk and asked for Y/n room she said that visiting hours were over so I started to yell at the woman telling her to let me in until security comes and drags me out onto the filthy sidewalk I got up and went to the store and got Y/n flowers and a card I wrote a note for her and put it in the flowers she loved it walked to the hospital once again clam and I walked to the lady at the desk I talked to her calmly and asked if she can place these in her room after that I left by the time I left it was 11:59 I walked all the way home crying not giving one fuck who sees.

Hi , how are you my little cleaning brats lol I hope you liked this chapter srry for it being late I forgot I had to study for testing so....bye bye

Levi: I will see you in your dreams *wink*

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