chapter 3: friends

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an// If you get confused by the timeline or think "that doesn't coincide with real life" please understand that this is fiction and while I am pulling events from things that actually happened, it's not all going to happen the same exact way as it actually happened. Don't cha worry, don't cha worry... child. Also, sorry that this is insanely short! I really wanted to start writing for this story again, but was having trouble getting back into that actual writing process. So I decided that I would just do a shorter chapter to get me back in the game and then go from there. Hope you enjoy!


Lou and H// chapter thirty


'I love this story, but I'm worried it's going nowhere. It's been so long since you've updated and the chapters are getting shorter and shorter. Should I give up hope?'

author response: 'Sorry. Just not feeling very inspired. I'll try to update soon.'

'are you okay?? i noticed that whenever you actually update, your writing isn't nearly as passionate as it used to be. no offense.'

author response: 'I'm fine. Thank you for the concern, though. x'


A lot can change in a few months. Eleanor may have broken up with Louis, but that didn't stop Louis from shoving his lack of interest in males in Harry's face. What started as Louis coming to his best friend for comfort quickly turned into Louis ditching Harry for a string of one night stands. A part of Harry wished that he could just leave this reality behind that he used to, focusing on his writing and living in his own little world like he used to. However, every time he could hear the rustling of the sheets in the hotel room next door, he couldn't help but feel trapped in his own personal Hell. 

His writing suffered from this entire situation. Who'd have known that he'd miss Eleanor so much? At least then, he could put his frustration into a story. It wasn't like Louis was making out with his girlfriend right in front of Harry, but this... He was forced to confront the truth. His stories were just that; stories in his head. Louis was never going to fall in love with him, especially when he had a new woman on his arm every night.

"Harry," a knock on the door followed the familiar voice. Harry got up from the uncomfortable hotel bed, making his way towards the door. He stopped for a moment, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, before opening the door. Louis had an unreadable look on his face, but it definitely wasn't his usual happy-go-lucky persona. 

"What is it, Louis? Is everything okay?" 

Louis ran his fingers through his hair, walking towards the end of the room. He began to pace back and forth for a few moments before turning to Harry, "I did something really stupid. I don't know what to do."

"Calm down and just tell me what happened." I motioned for him to sit at the end of my bed and he complied. I sat next to him and placed my hand on his back in a consoling manner.

After a few shaky breaths, Louis managed to get his words out in barely a whisper, "I'm going to be a dad."

It felt like I had been slapped in the face, but I couldn't show it. I needed to be there for my friend who was obviously in a very stressful position. I need to give him advice and stop thinking about how this affected me. I couldn't keep being a selfish person. Yet, as we kept talking about everything that was happening to him, something in the back of my mind was telling me that I finally had that push I needed to write again. Pros and cons, I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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