Chapter 1: Introduction

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Zero Kiryu.

My mood fell slightly at the thought of him. My friend from so long ago. Where had he gone? I was never told. All I knew was that he was born into a hunter family, and he had a twin. Ichiru, I think was his name.

He quit showing up to visit me two years ago. I couldn't ever hate him the way he hated himself. I just wanted to know why he left me alone like that, I suppose. Yuki wasn't ever someone I could truly make friends with, she was too blinded by the lies she'd been fed for so long.

I hadn't realized I'd zoned out till I felt Toga's large hand on my shoulder. I smiled a bit, looking up at him. Apologizing quietly for spacing out, I was asked a few questions. Or, answered questions asked about me.

"How do we know she's up to the job?" Kaname had asked the headmaster.

"Show him a little something, Y/N."

"Alright. I suppose a little demonstration wouldn't hurt. Any volunteers?"

Toga and Cross laughed simultaneously, holding up both hands as an act of surrender. I turned to Kaname.

"Looks like you're the unlucky victim." I sent him an apologetic smile, and before he knew what hit him there was a barrel to his forehead and dagger pinning him to the wall he was standing in front of.

He blinked, unable to process what happened before nodding appreciatively.

"Alright. Well done."

"She usually wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger, so don't get on her bad side." Yagari grinned, sending me a praising glance. I smiled. Praise from Yagari was rare, and nice when it did come.

"Although she seems a little too nice to take someone's life." He observed, I grinned. Time to offend a pure blood.

"Oh yeah, Headmaster. This is the one with the hots for his sister, right? Seems a little pathetic to me. I mean, why hit on your sister when she's so clearly oblivious to who he is?" I laughed, mockingly. The icy look Kaname sent me caused a smirk to grace my features. I crossed my arms.

"Was that mean enough for you?" He nodded.

"Alright, I suppose I should walk you down to the dorms and allow you to settle in."

The door opened just then, revealing two white-clad people.


"Ruka, Hanabusa. What are you doing here? I didn't request your presence."

Those names sounded familiar. They must be the ones I found on Kaname's immediate contact list. Everyone had one, it was just precaution. The Association was allied with the Kuran's. Sort of. And that allowed his information to be listed only to higher ups, like myself.
Vampire Log #43

Name: Hanabusa Aido
Age: 67
Physical age: 17
Origin: Nagachimi Aido & Unnamed mother
Species: Aristocrat.
Other notes: Bubbly, unpredictable. Nicknamed "idol".


Vampire Log #39

Name: Ruka Souen
Age: ?
Physical Age: 17
Origin: Unnamed parents.
Species: Aristocrat.
Other notes: Temperamental.

I held out my hand, to which the blonde boy shook eagerly. The girl simply looked at it with disgust, and I simply turned away.

"This is Y/N L/N. She'll be the newest addition to the night class."

"Oh? So she's a vam-!"

"She's human. And a Hunter." Kaname cut the idol off, and the blonde panicked upon hearing his words.

Bonded (Zero Kiryu X Reader X Kaname Kuran)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu