"Uh... She's the most beautiful girl in the world. She has dark hair and amazing eyes. She's very kind, but she's fragile. She's hilarious, too. She's been through a lot, but she still keeps a smile on her face. I can see when it's not real, but I don't think anyone else can. I really hope that I can be the person to make that smile stay on her face, and never be fake." She rambled a little. I wanted her to keep talking because her voice was so soothing, but at the same time I never wanted to hear about it again because I want to be that girl.

"She sounds amazing." I faked a smile.

"She is. Are you okay?" She glanced at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. I don't know why that hit me like a ton of bullets.

She nodded and we pulled into school.

"That's weird." She said.

"What?" I asked.

"No ones outside which means classes start very soon." She said and hurriedly got out of the car.

I checked my phone and saw we had 1 minute.

"Damn. We better run." I said and pulled on my backpack.

"Let's go!" She said and started running.

We ran in the building, down the corridor, and into our classroom while laughing just because. I was centimeters away from breaking down in tears because it hurt so bad, but that's a really good memory we just made.

All eyes turned towards us and we hurriedly got into our seats, while I uncontrollably blushed.

"Where were you guys?" Harry smirked.

"What's it matter to you?" Mattie laughed.

"Just curious." He said.

"We actually didn't realize we were late until we got here." She told them.

"Okay, class! Please take notes while I speak today."


In 4th period, I sat in the same seat as yesterday. The whole lesson, Caden and Jessica were sending me death glares.

The teacher let out the class a couple minutes early, and I rushed to get my things so I could escape.

I didn't make it in time, though.

Jessica jumped in front of me and closed the door like she did yesterday.

For a moment, I was hoping the teacher was still in here to stop them, but then I remembered he left the class with the horde of students. Why? Because it's lunch time. No one will be in the halls during lunch. I have to fight for myself. But everyone knows I don't have it in me to do that.

"Caden look at this! She's so scared she's shaking!" Jessica laughed a menacing laugh.

I started walking backwards, trying to get away, but I just hit a table. I stopped moving and watched them walk towards me.

"I guess we were too easy on you yesterday. You still won't stay away." Caden shook his head in mock disappointment.

"Wait I bet I know what it is!" Jessica exclaimed. "I bet she's a groupie!"

"Yeah! For 5SOS and the football team!" He laughed.

I shook my head. No, they have it all wrong. I wouldn't do that.

Caden suddenly slammed me into the ground and started hitting me, not even trying to avoid my face. I used to be able to stay quiet, but it hurt so bad I couldn't help but yell a bit.

"Why are you hitting her face too?" Jessica asked him.

"It'll just show everyone that she can't stand up for herself." He laughed. "Come join the fun."

She shrugged. "I don't see why not."

She started punching me and she stomped on my wrist. I let out a small scream as I felt my cuts tear open. I saw a little bit of blood before Caden punched my eye again.

"What the fuck?!" Jessica exclaimed.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no. Please don't notice. Please don't notice. Please don't notice.

She picked up my arm and yanked up my sleeve, before laughing.

"I see you put those razors to use." She smirked. Is she serious?

Caden laughed and shook his head before continuing to hit me. He kept saying hurtful things like "whore", "ugly fuck", "cut deeper next time", "fatty", and a ton of other stuff. why would they do this?

Please make it stop. Someone please make them stop. It's too much. It hurts.

I heard the door knob jiggle over my yelps of pain and a "what the fuck?!"

Jessica and Caden looked at each other and shrugged, before continuing again.

I barely heard panicky voices and a couple minutes later the door flew open.

The two didn't notice and continued beating me. They were so in to it they genuinely didn't realize anyone else was here.

"GET THE FUCK OFF HER!!" I heard Harry yell. He grabbed Caden and I heard some punches being thrown, but it hurt too much to open my eyes.

Jessica didn't have 5 seconds to think before Mattie threw her off of me and hit her more than I was being hit. You could hear the anger in the sounds of the fighting.

All the others ran over to me and tried to help me, but all I did was curl up into a ball.

It's too much. I just want it to stop.

"I'm Fine" (Adopted by 5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now