"Well, I don't have a reason to. You're an amazing person. You're beautiful, funny, kind, friendly, you're the whole package." She told me.

I felt myself blush harder than ever as I chewed on my sweater paw again. I don't want to just be friends.

We walked back to the house in silence as I tried not to squeal over her compliments.

"Do you want to get some food? We got tons of it earlier." I said.

"Yeah, sure. Did you get pizza?" She asked.

"I wouldn't leave the store if we didn't get pizza." I chuckled.

"Same. Pizza is my life." She stated.

"Same!" I exclaimed. We're so much alike. My cheeks hurt from smiling.

"What bands do you like?" She asked as we walked through into the flat.

"Almost any rock bands. You?" I asked.

"Rock. I like PTV, SWS, 5SOS, TØP, MCR, FIR, and some more hardcore stuff like Beartooth, The Amity Affliction, Korn, Slipknot, Disturbed..." She trailed off.

"Literally same!!" I exclaimed. "I'm glad we like the same stuff, because my music taste is like the only cool thing I can say about myself."

We both laughed at my statement as we walked into the cinema room where all the food is.

"You guys have fun?" Calum smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes and continued to the pizza, hoping they wouldn't see my blush.

"Awww, she's blushing!" Louis exclaimed.

"You suck." I said.

"You swallow." He challenged.

"Spitters are quitters." I told him.

"Dude!!" Calum said over everyone's laughs. "When did you get so dirty minded?!" He looked a little more surprised then everyone else. "Where is your innocence?!"

"You haven't known me long enough." I stated.

I heard Mattie laugh behind me as I approached the table with all the food.

She suddenly stepped in front of me. "What kind do you want?" She asked as she grabbed 2 plates.

"M-Meat lovers, please." I chuckled a little bit because I'm a dirty minded person.

Mattie caught on and hit me with an empty paper plate. "You really are dirty minded! Shut up!!"

"What are you guys talking about?" Devon asked.

"Nothing.." I replied innocently.

Mattie handed me a plate and I gladly took it. "Thank you."

"Let's eat outside." She suggested.

I nodded and followed her. She brought us out to the back porch and we both sat on the ground.

"Do you like pepperoni?" I asked as she took a bite of her pizza.

"Yeah, why?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"You can have mine." I started picking off the pieces and putting them on her plate.

"So you like meat lovers pizza, but you don't like pepperoni?" She asked.

"Basically." I nodded. I'm a picky eater, I guess.

She shook her head and laughed while I quietly giggled.

We talked while we ate and when we were done, we went back to my room.

We made a ton of conversation while we cleaned, and i found myself falling for her more and more by the second.

We had a lot in common and we even talked about a little deep stuff. I didn't tell her about the self harm, but I told her about the stars. She told me how when something happens, she likes to hear the voice of someone she knows cares about her. When she told me that, I put my number in her phone and she put hers in mine. I told her she can call me anytime. I'd never want her to be upset.

We ended up having my whole room cleaned before the night was over, so we went downstairs.

The adults where in different bedrooms and in the lounge, while the kids were on their phones in the cinema.

Mattie and I went to our chairs and she scooted hers closer to mine, so they were touching. I blushed and grabbed the blanket that was sitting in my chair, before sitting down.

"We should all exchange numbers." Gabriella suggested.

We all nodded and pulled up our contacts before handing them around the circle we were sitting in.

I looked at Mattie's phone that already had my contact in it saved as "Amber🙊💝".

All of our phones went around the circle and I saved mine in everyone else's as "Amber🙊".

She saved hers in mine as "Mattie😏💘". Is that supposed to be a hint or...?

I realized they all probably already have each others numbers, so I figured they were changing the emojis or something.

We all exchanged snapchats, twitters, and instagrams before going to bed.

"I'm Fine" (Adopted by 5SOS)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن