"My dad left my mum forever ago and my mom beat me and I was recently kidnapped by her. Today to be exact." I shrugged.

"Why would someone do that?!" Tyler clenched his fists. They barely know me, why would that upset him.

"Did she beat you while she had you kidnapped?" Mattie cautiously asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Is there any bruises on your face?" Jarred curiously wondered.

"Yeah, I threw on makeup earlier today. I didn't want anyone I saw to judge me."

They protested and said how they aren't like that while I tried to remember when it was I put makeup on. I don't remember but it was starting to bother me so I figured I'd take it off.

"I'm going to go wash it off. It's actually starting to bother me." I said and went to the washroom. I hate when makeup starts making your skin feel irritating. It does it a lot when you put it on after crying.

I washed it all of and cringed at my face in the mirror. I don't know how makeup covered up the black eye and dark, random bruises scattered across my face.

I fixed my bangs a little and stepped out.

I chewed on my sweater paw and focused my eyes on the ground as I headed back to my seat.

When I sat down, everyone was silent.

I sighed and looked up, not knowing what to expect. They all looked pitiful and pissed. Mattie got up and walked out while running her hands through her hair.

I looked at Harry, silently asking if I should follow her.

He gently nodded towards the door and I got up and followed her. I looked around for her and found her upstairs, starring into my room.

"A-Are you okay?" I hesitantly asked her.

"Why are you asking me if I'm okay?! Random people trashed your room while you were with your mum getting your face beat in!! The real question is: are you okay?" She looked me in the eye.

I felt my knees go weak under her gaze. I nodded with a fake smile "I'm fine."

Her face told me she didn't believe me but she sighed as if to say she was going to let it go. "Let's do something." She showed me her amazing smile.

"Like what?" I asked her.

"Let's clean up your room, and just spend some time alone together." She shrugged.

"O-Okay." I smiled. I'm actually really excited for this.

"Let's go get some stuff we will need." She nodded towards downstairs.

We went to the kitchen and got tons of trash bags and a huge box to start with.

We rushed back upstairs and the smile never left my face, it only grew.

"Okay, this bag is for recyclable metal, this one is for plastic, and this one is for trash, and these are extras for when one gets full." She said and pointed at different bags. "And wood will go in this box so we can have a bonfire later."

"So are you going to transfer schools?" She asked me as we started.

"Yeah! Since today is Friday, I'm hoping I can start on Monday." I told her.

"It'll be awesome to have you around." She smirked as we kept cleaning.

I came to the mattress that had been burned and I figured it could go in the huge dumpster by the gas station.

"You want to help me take this to the dumpster?" I asked her.

"Yeah, sure!" She stopped and helped me carry it out of the room and down the stairs.

"Hold on. I need to tell them where we're going." I told her and she nodded.

I peeked my head into the cinema. "Oi!" I got their attention. "I'm taking the burnt mattress to the dumpster."

"Are you going by yourself?" Michael asked.

"No. Mattie's coming with me." I couldn't fight the smile that placed itself on my lips.

"Okay. Come straight back." Calum smirked at me.

"Use protection!" Niall called after me.

I heared him get smacked and say "ow" and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Let's go." I picked up one end of the mattress and she picked up the other.

"Where's the dumpster at?" She asked as we started walking in the grass.

"It's just over that fence." I said her.

"How do we get over? Is there a gate?" She asked.

"If there was a gate, I probably wouldn't use it." I told her honestly.

Now that I think of it, I don't want her to hurt herself or anything. I'll do this on my own.

"I'm Fine" (Adopted by 5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now