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Around us, people are running in all directions. The room is filled with the sound of screaming and there are flashes of different coloured light as people outside fire spells at something.

I grasp Draco's hand and look at Harry and Ginny. We all nod and stand up, pulling out our wands. We are going into battle again.

The four of us start to push through the people crowded in the three broomsticks. Once they realise we're coming, the other students get out of the way. Draco follows me closely and Ginny is just in front yelling at everyone to move as Harry leads us towards the door.

We are almost at the door when, with the sound of splintering wood and cracking bricks, the door and the wall in front of us explode, exposing the room to the air outside. The four of us step back and shield our faces as each piece of the door becomes a deadly weapon.

As the dust clears we begin to see the scene in front of us. A tall man wearing an old death eater mask stands in the middle of the crowded street. Some of the other seventh years have formed a circle around him and are blocking the spells he shoots towards them.

The man turns slowly with his wand held in front of him. He pauses when he sees the four of us.

'Ah, of course, it's Potter and his friends come to save the day again.' The man says with a sneer 'The mudblood, the blood traitor and, in the name of the dark lord himself is that you Draco, my you've changed.'

'Who are you and what do you want?' Harry demands.

'Oh don't you recognise me? How sad it is that I have been forgotten. But why don't you ask Draco, surely he recognises his uncle.'

'You are no relation of mine,' Draco spits back at the man and I realise who he is.

'Rodolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix's husband,' I try to ignore the slight shake in my voice as I speak.

'Why are you here?' Ginny demands. 'Shouldn't you be running from the aurors so you don't end up in Azkaban.'

'The dark lord may have fallen but there are those of us who will always stay true to the old ways. You idiot children killed my wife and sent my brother to Azkaban, this, is revenge.'

Then with a flick of his wand the street descends into chaos again.

The four of us dive out of the way as a bolt of green light shoots towards us. I feel a hand on my back and I look over to see Draco beside me. We both duck down as a number of other spells fly over our heads.

I shoot a stupefy into the middle of the circle but it is difficult to aim as Rodolphus spins wildly in circles firing spells in every direction; I do not want my spell to overshoot and hit one of my friends on the other side of the circle. A spell flies towards us but Draco throws up a powerful shield and we are both unharmed.

The madness lasts for what is probably less than a minute but it feels like a lot longer. Roldolphus' wand flies out of his hand towards Harry before a stunning spell comes out of nowhere and hits him in the chest.

I see some of the teachers run out of the crowd towards the fallen man and immediately begin to restrain him my eyes are drawn to where I can see others lying still on the ground.

This was all meant to end. The pain, the fighting, the dying. We were meant to stop all that. I thought we were safe. After a year of running and hiding and being scared for our lives, it was meant to be better now.

I don't notice my knees give way but I feel my hip slam into the hard ground. I don't hear Draco saying anything but I can see his lips moving. The world around me goes silent and black.


I open my eyes to see a number of pairs of feet standing in front of me and my head resting on someone's knee. I look up to see Draco's worried face gazing down at me.

'Hermione are you okay?'

'I guess,' I answer, groggily.

'Do you think you can sit up?'

'Yeah I think I should be fine,' I say pushing my self up on my arm. As soon as I lift my head a blast of pain rips through my skull but I ignore it.

'Everyone back away and give her some space,' I hear a familiar voice from behind me. When I turn to look I see that it is indeed the flaming red hair of Ginny but I immediately regret the decision to turn my head because I get another surge of pain and have to rest my head in my hands.

'Are you sure you're okay?' Draco questions drawing his arm across my shoulders.

'Yeah, I've just got a really bad headache. Wait where's my wand?' I panic as I check my pockets and realise it's not there.

'It right here Hermione.' This time I recognise Harry's voice without having to look up. 'You must have dropped it when you fell but someone picked it up and it wasn't damaged.' He hands my wand to me and I wrap my fingers around the familiar wood.

I mutter a few words under my breath and immediately the pain in my head is gone.

'What happened? Have they taken him away?'

'McGonagall came down and they have taken him back to Hogwarts for now,' Harry answers me, 'and I saw Flitwick send a high-speed owl to the Ministry so it shouldn't be too long before the aurors come to collect him. Right after he got hit with the stunning spell you sort of collapsed and I think you hit your head on the pavement.'

I ignore the comment about me passing out, trying to brush it off and hoping everyone will just forget about it. 'Why did he come here though? Why would he even try when he knew he was going to be outnumbered?'

This time it's Draco who tries to explain. 'He was crazy before but now, well he's lost his wife, his brothers in Azkaban and the master he served faithfully for almost twenty years is dead. I guess he's just finally gone completely mad.'

'But he was smart enough to work out when our Hogsmeade trip was because it's unlikely that was a coincidence.'

Ginny offers out her hand to me and pulls me up. 'Yeah well unfortunately mad, doesn't always mean stupid.'

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