Apologies and Violence ft. special guests from Blood Lad and Strike the Blood

Start from the beginning

I can't hurt my friends. Grrr.

I became upset with Viper quickly. She had Zero curled up on the ground and was torturing him.

"You're nothing but a useless Level-E. Why aren't you dead yet? Why do continue to fight the beast in you when you know he's going to win? Oh this is- ahhh!" She screamed out in pain.

"Don't you ever- and I mean ever!" I began yelling with my bangs covering my eyes as I thought up the torture and listened to her cries. "Call him useless. Zero is the most amazing person in this universe. He's my mate and I've accepted that and Hanabusa is my friend so don't ever tell me to kill him." I lifted my head my eyes were glowing a dangerous shade of red. Suddenly I was surrounded by flames. "I dont care who you think you are you disgusting vampire, but you've been up way past your bedtime and you need to get some shit eye shit head. Sweet dreams bitch!" I yelled the last part pulling out Black Rose and White Rose about to pull the trigger when they were flung to the side.

(when Meko lifts her head)

(the black one on top will be black rose and the other white rose until I can find something else and to any dmc fans out there yes ik that's ebony and ivory I deliberately looked them up)

I looked up to see an angry boy and scared girl hiding behind him. He was wearing a dress shirt and tie and for whatever reason she was wearing a slutty bunny costume.

"Who do you think you are trying to kill my sister Viper?" He shouted at me.

The flames around me heated and grew larger.

"My name is Meko Aratami and she tried to kill my friends. Now who the Hell are you?" I asked hangs on hips getting a little impatient.

"The name is Staz but you can call me your worst nightmare." He cackled.

I heard a male's laughter in the tree next to me looking toward it and smirking.

"Alright and you just about killed MY sister Meko. So let us settle this as real men do." He then jumped from the tree. "Shall we dance?"

He mocked bowing for a lady to dance with him at a ball.

"Mino you're an idiot!" I laughed at my twin.

He just shrugged then looked at Yuki. "I'll be taking that little brunette out for ice cream later, ne Meko-chan?"

"In your dreams. She's already got forty other guys after her." I chuckled at his pouting. "And she'd probably be smart to pick any of them before you."

I howled with laughter as he started acting like headmaster. "That wasn't very kind Meko-chan. Don't you love me, ya know, your FREAKIN TWIN BROTHA!"

"Stop I c-can't b-breathe." I really couldn't.

Staz launched himself at me only to be push back by Mino's katana, Beast. Don't ask why he named it that.

"Its not polite to attack the young lady like that. Tsk tsk. You should do it like this ne Kojou-san?" He said leaping on Yuki making her scream as my cousin came out.

"Kojou!!!!" I yelled tackling him. "How are you Kojou-san?"

"Get off Meko-chan! You weigh a ton!" he shouted and I fake gasped.


"YUKINA-CHAAAAAAAAN!!!" I yelled running toward the voice.

"I thought we were gonna settle this." Staz growled.

"Look she's dead already." Yuki said as Kaname threw Mino to me.

We all looked to see Zero pointing Bloody Rose at Viper.

"I don't take shit from vampires who don't know what they're talking about not will I take it from the next guy. She doesn't know my reason for living on and fighting the beast. Only me and an idiotic pureblood that can read minds knows the true reason." Zero said and I smiled hopping off Yukina whom I had tackled when I found her. "And I don't care if Staz over here has anything to say but of you lay a finger on MY Meko I will make sure your death is the number most painful thing you ever experience. You'll be in so much pain you'll be begging and pleading to die. So don't make that mistake. You've been warned."

Zero walked over to me wrapping his arm around my waist taking me by surprise.

"I'm sorry about earlier there was no need to bring Viper out. And I'm sorry she had to die Staz but she would've hurt a lot of people of not. And Yuki.... Yuki Yuki Yuki." I giggled. "Listen here my sweet dear something Puki. (came from another story I can't remember what it was but of you know do tell or if you wrote it tell me So I can give you credit) Zero Kiryu belongs to me. He will now and forever always belong to me. So butt in some more and you will never see the Sun shine again. I will rip you limb from stupid limb, burn you down to the ground, and dance on your pathetic ashes whilst I laugh evilly(credit goes to my friends bf for that line to Yuki.) Got it?"

She nodded and ran off with Mino following her.

"Staz and whomever you may be, make yourself scarce or face my wrath." I said and they did as told.

"Kojou and Yukina, the two of you are welcome to stay the night since it will be late by the time you get back to the island." I said and the nodded. "Yagari could you show them to the headmaster?"

"Yep, cmon you idiots."

"Vampires get to class before I shoot you all." I ordered picking up Black and White Rose and pointing them at the group which were already walking away. "And my beloved Zero."

I walked toward Zero and kissed him. "You're in for a surprise. I won't push 'things' on you yet but it will come and you'd better be prepared."

"Oh contrare Meko. I've been prepared since day one. The real question is are you prepared?" He asked and I blushed.

"N-no." I said quietly.

"Come on lets go inside." He said and grabbed my hand.

I blushed harder if that was possible.

"Don't get shy on me now." Zero smiled.

He smiled. For me.

I smiled back.

But I knew.....

I should've known....

It wouldn't be mine forever...

Even if we were mates...

I should've seen the signs sooner....


And the drama continues?

Can u not wait?

Too bad ur gonna have to cuz I need sleep!😈😈😈

But I'll be back soon.


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