"What is going on?" She scrunched her brows together, watching me struggle to find the keys.

"I need to go to the hospital, do you know where the keys are?"

She thought about it for a second. "Mom put them in her jacket yesterday when she brought me home, I'll go grab them," She was good at remembering silly things like that, and in this moment I was grateful for it.

"Blake? He is waking up," Thea sniffed and I felt a group of emotions release from my chest.

"I'll be there soon, okay?" She thanked me and hung up.

My sister ran down the hall and shoved the keys inbetween my fingers. "I will tell mom you had to tutor this morning."

"Thank you, I'll be back in time to pick you up," I hugged her quickly and raced out the door and took the car.

Thea was talking to a nurse when I came into the room. Kacen looked over at me and smiled. "Hey," his voice was weak and a bit shaken but that was to be expected.

Thea glanced over at me and nodded her head and she continued to talk to the nurse.

"What happened?"

"Eh, just a small wreck we will be fine. Me more than her I suspect," He glanced over at Thea and then looked back at me.

"It's six in the morning, what were you guys doing on the road?"

Kacen didn't answer me, he just watched Thea walk over to us. She had purple bags under her eyes and her hair was sticking out of her two braids, one of them no longer being held together by a hair wrap. A few small scratches lined her cheeks and her marked arm. She looked like she hadn't slept at all over the weekend and something was definitely weighing down her mind, more than just the wreck.

"The doctor said we could go whenever we were ready. Thanks for coming to pick us up." She rubbed her arm and watched Kacen closely.

"Of course? You don't need to thank me."

Thea looked like she was wrapped in plastic wrap made from guilt, which made me curious but I knew not to budge either of them. It clearly wasn't something they were ready to share with me, and I was okay with that.

"Are you both feeling okay? Do you need anything?" Not knowing how to help, I just kept looking between the two of them.

Kacen had a wound held together by a few stitches and butterfly bandages, his wrist was wrapped, but he looked fine otherwise.

"No, I'm good. Thea?" Kacen gave me a small smile and glanced over at Thea who was staring at the wall. "Thea?"

"Oh, um. No, I'm fine."


"Thank you, Blakely. It's glad to see you back with good spirits," Mr. Brollen smiled and used the table to line up all my papers I had just handed in.

"Well, it's good to be back, and about that test-"

"Don't worry about it, I know you know the answers, I'll just remove it from your grade. Although, I will need you to go to the office before lunch starts, so I'll let you leave a little early if that's okay," He grabbed a sticky note to scribble down a hall pass for me.

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