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everyone has a different lifestyle from you. this world is messed up, but we can make it better. right?

momo's pov
I was known as the best dancer in school. yes. I knew how to dance. singing was my weakest. but dancing was my passion.

my life was great actual. till suddenly I fell for my best friend jeon jungkook.

everyday when he smiled at me, my heart would be beating. I would blush. I liked it. but I wonder if he ever felt the same about me.

but when I felt this way, I found out his ex came to our school. chou tzuyu. I remember that day when he cried to me saying she cheated on him. ever since that he said he will never want to date anyone.

hurt me a bit. I mean is dating me bad? I'm always unlucky. i was skinny and was talented. but I wasn't popular to the point  where people wanna be me.

when she came like 2 days ago. jungkook said to me she got prettier and hotter. I could careless you know?

I was a rude most of the times. to him I wasn't. but if I am, I might not feel sorry.

I hope jungkook actual notices me though. should I even tell him how I feel?

tzuyu's pov
it's been years since I've seen him. I'm sorry for what I've had done before to him. part of me was stupid. I still love jungkook.

I'm not those crazy fangirls who would kill anyone if they came close to jungkook. I was normal. the only thing I regret was cheating and being a liar.

I don't know if he will ever forgive me, I'm okay with that though. I desearve it. plus all the guys love me. so I'm in good hands.

jungkook's pov
tzuyu is back.... she looks prettier and hotter than before. I don't know how to describe it. but it was like I was seeing a beauty in front of me.

wait. she cheated on me. why am I saying these things. I can't be loving her again. I remembered how much I wanted to kiss her lips yet she had so many men kiss her even before me.

she was my first love. I could never forget her nor I forget the time she cheated. I'm glad to have my best friend momo.

she helped me through everything. but why do I feel so shy towards tzuyu. I don't wanna fall in love again.

++ authors note
so idk who's reading this but basically there are all different storylines.

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