Chapter 16

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When I woke up, I was on the floor, my t-shirt lying on the edge of the bed. Standing up, I looked down, sighing with relief as I saw that I was wearing shorts. Grabbing my t-shirt, I put it on as Caleb groaned, sprawled across his bed with nothing on but his boxers.

Yawning, he looked at me. "Did we...?" he asked, hopping off his bed.

"No, we didn't," I said, glancing at him as we walked out of his room. Hearing a small noise, I looked down and saw Liam and Sage cuddled on the couch, both of them in their underwear. "Although, they did."

Walking down the stairs with Caleb slowly following me, I stood over the sleepy couple and smiled. "Good morning."

Sage's eyes shot open, and she scrambled off the couch, kicking Liam to get up. "Hi, E," she said nervously, nodding at Caleb.

"Well," I smirked, handing them their shirts. "You definitely got some last night."

"Who had sex last night?" a voice said. Looking up, we saw Alina at the top of the stairs, her arms crossed and a serious look on her face.

Staying silent, we watched as she walked down the stairs slowly and approached Sage and I. "Turn around," she ordered.

Cringing, Sage and I turned around as Alina inspected our hair. "Check your stomachs and chests," she said, a scarily calm look on her face.

Checking my stomach, I noticed two small bruises on them. Looking at Sage, I saw that she had five on her stomach and three on her breasts.

"Sage," Alina said. "You have some stuff in your hair,"

Laughing on the inside, I kept a cool expression as Alina continued. "I know it was you, so cut the crap, go upstairs, and take a shower."

Glaring at me, Sage followed orders. "Liam, please tell me you used protection," Alina said.

Liam nodded.

Sighing with relief, Alina looked at her son. "Make sure Liam sleeps in his room tonight, and not on the couch with his girlfriend."

Caleb nodded, glancing at me as he took Liam upstairs. "I almost forgot what it was like to be a teenager," Alina told me.

"That's not what Sage would usually do, but then again, she has been locked up for six years," I said, laughing.

"Ember!" Someone shouted. Looking around, I saw Mav running from outside. "Mav, what are you doing outside?" I asked.

"I think I found my ability," he said, his eyes glowing a dark blue. Raising my eyebrows, I watched as Mav started to shapeshift into a black wolf. My eyes flashing a rose red, I shapeshifted into a dark brown wolf and ran alongside him in the backyard, howling and barking.

Reverting back into a human, Mav looked at me as I changed as well. "How did you Change?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "I don't really know," he said. "All I can recall is that when I woke up today, I was a wolf."

"Only a small few can become real wolves," I explained. "Since you're my cousin, it's possible that the wolf gene was passed onto you."

Nodding, Mav walked outside, Liam and Caleb following behind him. "Andrew!" I called as Sage walked out the bathroom. "It's time to train."

Rubbing his tired eyes, Andrew dragged himself outside and stopped next to Mav, putting his head on his friend's shoulder. "Dude, get your ass up," Mav said, moving the tired teen off him.

Rolling my eyes, I looked at Sage, her hair still wet from the shower. "You still got a little..." I said, pointing at my head and laughing.

She glared at me, her eyes sparking a bright orange.

"Hey, Andrew," Liam said, walking over to hug his friend.

"Fuck off," Andrew murmured, shoving Liam away from him.

"Is something wrong?" Liam asked, a confused expression on his face.

"Nothing," Andrew murmured.

"It's something," I said, walking towards Andrew. "What is it?"

"Nothing," he repeated.

"Nothing means something."

"I'm fine."

"You're not fine."

"Believe me, I'm okay," Andrew said through gritted teeth, his eyes starting to darken.

At that moment, the lights outside and inside the house started to crackle. Raising my eyebrows, I lifted Andrew's head up. "Why are you so upset?" I asked.

"I'm not upset," he lied, glancing at Liam and Sage, who were holding hands. The electricity started to pop as a lightbulb in a lamp blew out.

"You are upset," I argued. "So what's wrong?"

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!!" Andrew shouted. "Maybe it's the fact that I had to hear my best friend banging that bitch last night!"

Growling, Sage started to walk forward, but she stopped when all the lights in and outside the house went out. "Well, Andrew," I said, looking at him, "We finally found your ability."

"Which is what? Trying to kill me?" Sage said sarcastically.

I chuckled. "He can harness electricity, and his emotions triggered that."

Liam walked forward to Andrew and hugged him. "You're not going to lose me, man," he murmured. "I promise."

Andrew smiled at his best friend and looked at me. "So can I possibly bring it back?" he asked. I shrugged. "You can try."

Closing his eyes, Andrew started to concentrate really hard, his hands glowing a light blue as energy flowed out of them and into the lightbulbs that remained intact.

His eyes opening, Andrew looked at me. "I love my power," he said, smiling.

I laughed. "So we've figured out everyone's special ability," I explained. "Now all we have to do is try to control them. Mav, can you come here, please?"

Walking towards me, Mav looked confused as I turned him around to face the rest of the boys.

"I may be teaching you, but I'm not your immediate leader," I explained. "That's why Maverick is."

"Why Mav?" Caleb asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Because he can morph into a wolf, and only people from my family can do that," I responded. "Additionally, Maverick is the oldest, and you guys pretty much look up to him."

Shrugging, the boys agreed.

"So what do we do now?" Liam asked.

Smirking, I looked at Sage, whose eyes glowed a bright orange.

"We prepare for battle," I responded.

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