In The Beginning

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Chapter 1

In the Beginning

"Nuh-uh!" Haley gasped, hooking her arms through mine as we walked through the mall, heading for the food court.

"Yes," I insisted, smiling from ear to ear. "Tomorrow is officially our two year anniversary. Bryce says he's got a special surprise for me."

She smiled knowingly, her dark blue eyes sparkling with mischief. "A special surprise, huh?"

I pushed my curly mess of bronze hair over my shoulder, biting my lip. "I'm planning to surprise him a little earlier than he expected, just to mess him up."

She smirked at me, laughing evilly. "Sounds like a plan to me-FOOD!"

She took off, leaving me standing in the middle of the mall alone. I sighed irritably before following her towards Chik-Fil-A, where she was already flirting with the cashier. She leaned forward on the counter, twisting her face in concentration as she searched the board. I already knew what she wanted, as did she. "Ummmm..." she hummed, her eyes flickering over the menu.

"She'll have a number two with a medium lemonade and fries. And, while she's at it, she'll get her best friend a medium vanilla milkshake and share her fries." I said, smiling sweetly as I slide in next to her, bumping her hip with mine.

She shot me a glare. "How about a small milkshake. I ain't made of money, you know, Kaytrin."

I pouted, widening my bright blue eyes. "But Haaallleeeeeyy..."

She gave me a look. "No."

"But I have no money." I begged, inching closer to her.

"I have no compassion." She said, pushing me away. "Shut up. I want food."

"I hate you."

"Hate you too, babe." She said immediately and then returned her attention back to the cashier, who had been watching us with a raised eyebrow. "Dude, where's my food? I wasn't kidding. I want a number two, a medium lemonade, a small vanilla milkshake, and waffle fries. Chop chop, hop to it, Madame-Made-of-Money."

Both of us gave her a weird look. The cashier took a step back and said, "I'm a man..."

"Yes," Haley agreed, pressing her lips together. "A man who's not doing his job and getting my food!"

"And my milkshake," I added.

"And her milkshake!" Haley almost yelled. "A girl is nothing without her carbs!"

I burst out laughing, grabbing her arms and leaning on her for support. He gave us one last glance, along with a line forming behind us, before leaving to arrange our meal. "F-f-finally," I giggled, slapping my hand over my mouth.

She joined in and we made our way down the counter to wait. Suddenly, she nudged me and her laughter died. "Kaytrin..."

I looked at her, furrowing my eyebrows. She gestured over my shoulder, and I followed her finger. "Hot guys at twelve o'clock, Kay."

"I have a boyfriend..." Three boys huddled together in the middle of the hall, and as we stared at them, one of them caught my eye. All three of them were big, hulking men that were, as Haley put it, hot. The one that caught my eye was taller than the other two, with short cut spiky blond hair. His eyes were a dark gray, and he wore a grey sweater and normal blue jeans.

"Yum." Haley whispered, but I wasn't quite sure if she was talking about her food, or the boys.

"Indeed," I agreed. The boy smirked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. I groaned, rolling my eyes. "Well, that's ruined. Perv."

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