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There lived a king, he was wealthy, he was handsome , he was generous , he lived a very happy life. There was not a part of the world where is glory, majesty and splendour was not known.

The King's house was made of pure gold, from the doorpost to his kitchen, every room was a simple reflection of wealth and sagacity. The finest utensils , cuisines, furniture, gadgets were found in the King's house.

He had seventeen wives, and to him was born sons and daughters, they were fair and envied anywhere they went. The king entertained visitors, and everyone who needed his help, he wasn't renowned for his wealth as his generosity was wildly known.

However, this generosity that brought so much love and respect to the king became the bough of his household contretemps. The wives soon started complaining of the King's kindness, they were especially irritated by the number of strangers that has come to reside in their home.

The king reasoned with them time after time, but there was no reneging from the wives, they clearly expressed their bitter dissatisfaction , the king got tired of the whipping from his nagging wives and decided to avert the marred harmony in his household.

After much deliberation, the king decided to build an estate, an estate where rich and poor, bond and free , anyone who could be accommodated could come and seek solace and freedom. He drafted an elaborate plan for the estate, because he wanted nothing but order, peace and happiness.

The king called for his trusted friend James to oversee the whole processes. In the estate, every relevant things were there. On the gate was the name PARADISE written, along the road were street lights that illuminated the estate at night, every flower that pleases the human soul was found there.

The estate had good drainage , an abattoir, a gas station, a supermarket, pools, fields and everything that makes life comfortable. In the estate, you could feel the freshness of the air and the atmosphere was simply spectacular.

After the completion of the estate, the King gave certain laws that would govern the estate. He wanted absolute neatness so he warned that diets and wastes should be disposed at designated places, never should the gutter be filled with dirty, none should kill animals anywhere except for the abattoir. Gas station was available so no petty trade should be done.

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