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A plan beyond our widest scope was drafted to bring peace and happiness to a people. Simple but stringent laws were made to govern the people, as long as these laws are obeyed, serenity will reign supreme.

Everyone loves peace, and the way to peace is really simple. Somehow, we find the path to peace obscuring , simple though, yet we are blind to it.

When the path to peace is not known, suffering untold is the repercussion, what should bring happiness starts bringing strife and sadness.

For every problem to be solved, a look at the cause is most paramount. The people who lost their peace because they couldn't find the path had to go back to search for the original design, tiredness and weariness of heart was more than they could bear.

During this period of uneasiness, many attempted to act as saviours and comforters, meetings were held and plans were cooked up, everyone one became impatient and really relied on the supposed comforters.

When people's patience started growing thin and they started losing hope,  a saviour arose, brought the original plan and, peace and other was restored.

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