THIRTY SEVEN. Emergencies

Start from the beginning

"I don't want to see him angry, please find something to stop him." I speak up.

"Fitz, I'm open to suggestions." Phil tells him. Fitz hands a gun over to him, shrugging.

"ICER's are a good start."

"Agreed." He cocks the gun, turning to the doors. "Got to admit, I'm not hopeful these will do anything but piss him off." Simmons steps up next to him but I back away, not wanting to be anywhere near the crazy man.

"There are more lethal solutions." She offers but Phil instantly denies it.

"Not yet. He's Skye's father or at least, he was. I'm hoping there's still a sliver of the man who-" Cal bashes and bashes, finally breaking the glass of one of the doors. He steps through, grinning like a maniac. Fitz and Phil shoot at Cal but it only makes him crazier. They had no effect on him whatsoever.

"Well. There goes the feeling in my legs." He says, dopily before continuing his walk.

"Get out of here." Phil screams.

"No, sir." Fitz tries to deny but Phil was getting angry, so I opened up the door ready to push them both through.

"Now, go!" The three of us exit the room, running through halls.

"Where are we supposed to go?" I ask hurriedly, hearing the yelling and breaking of glass behind us.

"Uh, Uh, I don't know." Fitz freaks out. "Just keep running!" He says, leading Simmons and I down the hall.

"Wait, Phil's Office." Simmons cries out. "I hear the emergency signal." She tells us. We look in to see Cal, staring straight at us.

"Uh oh." I stutter, frightened.

"Jemma, Avery, run! Run!" Fitz yells. We all run off, but now we could hear the heavy footsteps of Cal behind us, and he was slowly catching up.

"Yes, let's all run!" He screams at us, giddily. Simmons scans her card and we make it through the door that let us into the hangar, but Cal made it in before we could close it. He began to stalk up to us, but he was slammed to the side by one of our SHIELD SUV's. Fitzsimmons and I only have to blink before we run off, knowing that Phil was fine.


Cal was brought into the destroyed lab and we hook him up to some liquid to get his mental state back to normal or at least better than Mentally Insane. He was quite bruised around his waist from being hit by the Car, but it wasn't as bad as he should have been which was quite weird. Phil comes back in, sighing. Some armed agents surrounded us, making sure that Cal wouldn't hurt us, but I still stayed a good couple of meters away from him.

"Well, his physical changes have improved." Simmons began but Cal laughed.

"Careful. I'm a married man." Simmons let her face grow a confused smile and she looked over at Fitz in humour.

"Sorry, Phil. This looks expensive." He says to Phil, his voice still all loopy.

"We have a tab running." Phil says absent-mindedly.

"Sir," Fitz alerted the rest of us, showing the small screen on the side of a cart. "The carrier's distress call. It's expanded to all channels." He warns.

"Jiaying used Cal's distraction to take over that ship in minutes." He says, almost as if he was amazed.

"Well, he was definitely a distraction all right." I roll my eyes, eyeing all the broken glass.

"Sorry." Cal said again, smirking at me.

"Yeah. It's intimidating." Fitz whispers.

"You get May and Hunter on the line? We'll need every asset we've got to shut these Inhumans down." He orders, but Fitz gulps nervously.

"I tried, sir. Uh, their team's already gone dark." Phil's lips went into a straight line and he walked out huffing.

"I think he's angry." I say absent-mindedly.

"Really?" Fitz snorts. "I never would have guessed." He turns around, moving out of the room.

"We can't work in here." Simmons sighed, glaring at Cal who was still smiling on the chair.

"Are there any free Labs right now? Just go to it." I shrug.

"It won't be the same. All our things are in here." She groans. "Come on, I need help taking some stuff over." She gives me a box of stuff and we both walk out of the room, following Fitz who was already way ahead of us. We find an empty lab and begin setting out some different things that we might need in the near future, depending on how long it took to replace and repair their personal lab.

"A little help here, Avery." Fitz says, picking at a box of wires sitting in front of him.

"What is this?" I ask, looking at it. "It looks like a transmitter." I say.

"Yep. It's to stop Gordon but I can't really get my hands into that space. Do you mind?" He asks. I nod, grabbing onto the tweezers and begin to burn the wire into the small hole.

"Guys." Simmons looks up, emotionally. "Bobbi, she-" She hands her phone over to us and we see that there was a message on it explaining that Bobbi was shot and it was bad.

"Get a hospital bed ready." I instantly say, turning away so I could quickly finish the burning. "Fitz, go tell Phil. He needs to know." Fitz runs off with Simmons and I sigh, grabbing onto the bridge of my nose.

Everything must go wrong, doesn't it?

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