Not Again

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~~~Pamela's POV~~~
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......I look up and see the person I bumped into and it had to be none other guessed it, my ex Cole.

He looks down and smiles sweetly....even though it never works....and says Where do you think your going, dressed in such a know it always turned me on

I roll my eyes and scuff at him Like I care what turns you one anymore...and for your information your in my apartment so I don't have to answer to you.............why are you in my apartment?

Honey I'm here because I miss you

I couldn't take it anymore so I called my friends that live next door, they dragged him out and got him out of my hair. I am so thankful for having weightlifters next door.


I am currently at my favorite smoothie shop with Haily, she is having to much fun trying all the new flavors and deciding what she is going to have in hers.

Yes the smoothie shop let's you try a sample and if you don't like it, you can always pick what you want in it or my favorite and get one of there flavors but add what you want to it.

Such as my favorite is the banana blast, it has banana, strawberry, blue berry, yogurt, and a dash of banana extract, now I like to add peanut butter powder and chocolate to it. It makes it sweet but you still taste the fruits in it.

Haily loves the kiwi bomb, it is mainly kiwi and kelp but its not bad, if you like kelp. Personally I don't like kelp so I don't get that flavor but I like some of the other ones they do, such as the coconut margarita witch has coconut, pineapple for a bit of flavor, a bit of tequila, a dash of Cointreau, and lime juice. And I know what your all thinking why does a smoothie shop make alcoholic smoothies, well the answer to that would be that they are simply good and they don't have it where kids can get into it. You have to ask the people to get it for you, its not in the reach of kids or anything. Another of there really good ones is banana split with kiwi, the name basically says it all, it has the chocolate, strawberries, cream, cherries, sprinkles and for a spin on a classic they threw in kiwi to give it a different taste to it.

As Haily and I make our way to a table in the corner I spot someone I didn't want to see and cough to get Haily's attention. Haily turns her head to look at me and the moment she does her jaw hit the floor(not literally). She stared stunned that he had the balls to follow us. She hands me her smoothie and storms over to him fuming with anger.

Cole how dare you follow her, you are the one that left her not the other way around and now you won't let her be! What the hell is your problem Cole, she is over you and your bullshit so you need to stop following her and leave her alone.

With that she turned back around and walked over to me and we continued to make our way to our seats.

In the background you can hear some guys saying stuff like 'ooh you got burned' or 'ha she told you' or my favorite 'owned' and the comments go on and on and on but Haily and I ignored the looks, comments and phrases being said as we went to our seats. Once seated we continued eating our smoothies.

Haily looked over and noticed a hot guy standing by the door. I looked at him for a moment and immediately recognized him.

I look at Haily and say dude its John, the one we went to high school with. Haily turned her head to look at him again and gasped she couldn't believe that John had grown up to be so handsome and good looking. In high school he was short and chubby, he kept growing but stayed pretty chubby. Haily opens her mouth to speak John interrupts her, No way it can't be Haily and Pamela could it be?

Haily and I look at each other nodding our heads in unison answering his question without uttering a single word. I am the first to pipe up between the two of us first How do you remember us from high school its not like we were really good friends or anything.

He blushed a little at that, tilted his head back simply says I remember you two because you spray painted your initials on my school locker and everyone made fun of me thinking I had a thing for the both of you. He chuckles and continues I also had a crush on you Pamela for the longest time back then.

I look at him with bugged eyes and a slack jaw for a few minutes before I compose myself and act like I didn't just do that. Which earned me a chuckle from him but I ignored it and looked at Haily, which kept looking between the two of us with a socked expression. I can't really blame her considering in high school we were kind of popular and he was a bit of a cast out because of his weight. That is no longer the case, now that he is thinned up and seems to have muscles. At least I think he does from what I can see and that isn't much but enough to give you an idea of how slim he is. Witch goes perfectly with his brown hair, green eyes, and perfectly tan skin. I cannot believe that this is the same boy that use to eat in the corner of the lunch room everyday in high school.

He walks over to the table and sits down on the unoccupied section of the table, as if we were best friends, not that we cared anyways! For the next few hours we sit there talking up a storm. We talked about the past, the what ifs, what we could change if we had a chance, our mistakes in life, we talked about everything. Somewhere in the midst of us talking and catching up Haily left leaving only a note that she would be at home. Before John walked me home later that night he asked me if I would go out on a date with him.........And of course I said........Yes!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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