✿✽❀~ thirteen ~❀✽✿

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                          w  e  e  k   1  3   :   l  i  l  i  e  s

Mum walked into my room where I was sitting at the desk, working on a Lit paper that was due the following Tuesday. I had gotten enough out to convince myself that I wasn't a total potato, but not enough for a good grade yet. We had to write a paper on the correlation forgiveness had with wealthiness. Ironic, right? Considering that I was far from wealthy and I still hadn't forgiven myself for making a damned fool of myself three weeks ago (and damaging my already under-sized ego).

I had no material for this paper and was well aware that I was writing complete bullshit.

"Hey Mum." I tilted my laptop down and turned my chair around as she walked into the room. Realizing how sketchy that must have looked though, I quickly backtracked and opened the screen back up so that she could see I was only on Google Docs. "What can I do for you?" I asked.

She chuckled and walked over to the edge of my bed, sitting down and sighing heavily. She held a strange looking bouquet of white flowers in her hands and I immediately knew that she had just been with Juliet. I could feel Juliet's aura rolling off of her in waves. Juliet was just so electrifying that even after breaking her son's heart, my mum couldn't stop liking her (she didn't dare admit it to me, but it wasn't hard to tell).

"J just left," she said.

I nodded slowly, pursing my lips as I pointed to the flowers in her lap. "Yeah, I guessed as much," I said.

Mum chuckled and rolled her eyes at herself. "Right—of course you saw these," she shook her head and let out a long sigh. She didn't look like her regular self. She was here, sitting in front of me, but it was clear as day that her mind was elsewhere.

I rolled my chair across the floor, closing the distance between me and Mum. I stopped right beside my bed and leaned my arms against my legs, looking up at my mum's face. "Is everything alright?" I asked.

She eyed me for a moment, before licking her thumb and using it to wipe away at something on my cheek. She gave me a pointed look. "You tell me," she said.

I swatted her hand away and frowned. "Is this about me and Juliet?" I asked accusingly.

Juliet wasn't exactly the most popular topic between the two of us. It was hard enough to think about her, but the thought of having to talk about her and explain my rejection to Mum was just a complete turn off. She had tried to bring it up a few times, but I had smartly—or at least effectively—maneuvered the conversations in other directions.

Mum shrugged and gave me a what-am-i-supposed-to-do look. "Miles, you're in love!" she said. "I can't just keep sitting back and pretending that I don't notice that you're hurting. I'm your mother, Miles. Seeing you in pain hurts me too."

Folding my arms over my chest, I gave Mum the flattest look I could manage. "Well you don't have to worry about it anymore, because I'm not in love anymore."

I lied right through my teeth and I'm still not sure why, because after eighteen years I knew well enough that Mum could always tell when I was lying. I'm not sure what exactly my Achilles' heel was—the one mistake that gave it all away—but every single time I lied, without fail, Mum could tell.

She laughed, nodding her head even though her eyes completely gave away that she didn't believe me. "You never were a good liar, Miles," she said, pushing a lock of my hair back behind my ear.

I gave my head a small shake and the hair fell back to where it had been before. Mum gave me a flat look and I just grinned at her. "Don't worry about it, Mum. Seriously," I said.

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