✿✽❀~ fifteen ~❀✽✿

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A week is only seven days, right?


Seven long, testing, and excruciating days.

While seven days may sound short in theory, having to survive a whole seven days waiting for news on arguably the most important thing of your life can turn that short amount of time into an eternity.

I had taken the chance and put myself out there for Juliet, and for reasons I will never understand, she had reciprocated my feelings. She told me she was in love with me and even though I was over the moon about that, we both knew nothing more could come from it unless she ended things with her boyfriend. She didn't want to be a cheater, and I didn't want her to be one either. We had agreed that she would tell him about us, and then we could take it from there.

I had gotten Juliet's cell number on Saturday, but all throughout the week I just couldn't text her. I wanted to, but I couldn't. It was a weird position I was in, because I didn't know if she was my girlfriend or if she ever even would be. For all I knew, she could have been getting cozy with her boyfriend while I lay awake in bed, thinking about her. My logical mind told me that I was being crazy and that there was no way Juliet would do anything like that, but that irrational part of me couldn't shake the feeling that I was dead weight dragging her down.

It was also the fear of seeming clingy or too into her that kept my phone dry. I would open it and go into my messages, typing in Juliet's number that was saved unoriginally as 'FLOWERGIRL ❀'. I would press the textbox and stare at it for what felt like lifetimes. For the first few days I had absolutely nothing to say. Every thought in the world would pass through my mind and yet none of them would feel good enough for me to want to tell Juliet.

As the week progressed though, I began typing into the box. I would start out a sentence but I would quickly erase it, feeling dumber about myself than I had beforehand.

Hey Juliet, I saw an orchid today, it reminded me ofNo. She already has to talk about flowers all day, can't you be any more original?

Flowergirl, it's been a while. I feel like you've fallen off the face of theHell no. You just saw her last Saturday, drongo.

Yo. Juliet, J, J-Spice, J-Pizzle, Ju-Dawggg, J-Money, what's poppin'? I justGod, kill me now.

Hey Juliet, you looked beautiful on SaturdayYeah, right. Can you say desperate?

I love you Juliet. I feel lonely when I can't talk to you and I wish I had the guts to actually send this message. I feel like I'm so far under your league and it's just so hard when I don't know what you're thinking or how you're feeling. I want to be with you. I hope you end things with your boyfriend...or shall I say ex-boyfriend ;) No? A little too eager? Okay. Well, I'm sending you the best wishes, even if you don't know it, and I'm just waiting for this Saturday, then I'll finally get to hear your voice again, see your face again. You have the biggest eyes I've ever seen. I love youShut up, Miles. Just shut up.

By the time Juliet came by on Saturday, I was more eager to talk to her than usual because of the many times I had to force myself not to throughout the week. She came by later than usual—telling me later on that it was because she wanted to finish with the rest of Winter's Grove before coming to my house so that she could spend more time here and have an actual conversation with me.

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