Finding Home: The Untold

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Pushing her sister Ryder throughout the neighborhood, Ryland began to hyperventilate. Her mind was wondering all over the place and she still hadn't found her dad. After walking for three hours Ryland was ready to give up she was sleepy and Ryder was already sleep. She didn't know what to do and it scared her.

It was around four in the morning but, of course neither of the two knew it. Sitting in front of an abandoned house Ryland used her hands to lock the wheels, remembering her mother doing it many times when she wanted to make sure the pusher didn't move.

Unsure of how she was going to sleep, Ryland unlocked the wheels and moved the pusher into an alleyway that only she and the stroller could fit into. Once in place she locked the wheels again and climbed into her part of the pusher grabbing her blanket before falling asleep.


Waking up Ryland opened an eye and saw that she and Ryder were both still very well hidden in the alley she found. Ryder had still been sleeping and she was hungry, looking into the bag under Ryders seat, Ryland pulled out a pack of granola bars and an apple juice she didn't know was there until then. Opening the granola bar Ryland took one out and ate half before using the straw on the juice pouch opening it. Drinking until she saw it was halfway gone Ryland put the juice into the cup holder of the pusher, saving the rest of the juice and other granola bar for Ryder.

She wanted to go home but didn't know the way so she used her hands to unlock the wheels before pushing the sun visor over Ryders head. Looking at the sidewalk from the side of the pusher Ryland began the search, looking for her dad's car again.

"a b c d e f g h i j k elameno p, q r s t u v, w x y and z!" Ryland repeated to herself as they continued walking. It didn't take long before Ryder woke up and Ryland stopped the pusher locking the wheels. "Ryder, I saved you some granola bars and juice. I looking for daddy's car now. So eat so you can help," getting Ryder's food out Ryland looked at the last of their juice being drunk as her bottom lip quivered, it was really hot and she hoped Ryder would save her some. Wiping her eyes she watched Ryder eat the rest of the granola bar before she unlocked the wheels to the pusher.

"Ryder is mommy stwill mad at me? I don't like when daddy gwibe her whoopin's." Ryder asked turning around in the pusher as she looked at her sister.

Ryland didn't say anything and continued her concentration on pushing her sister, her eyes traveled to a familiar looking car. "Daddy!" Ryland shouted causing Ryder to turn around and cheer.

Hurrying to push them over to their father, Ryland crossed the street and went to the house where she seen the car. Unbuckling Ryder completely,  Ryland struggled to pick her up out the pusher. Placing her on her feet, the kids went to the door and knocked. "Who is it man?" a deep voice responded which made Ryland shake her head. Shrugging her shoulders Ryland knocked again. "Dawg who the fuck is it?" he shouted causing Ryder to jump.

Grabbing her sister's arm, Ryder pulled at her, "come on Ryland I don't thinks that daddy." Before the girls could walk away a man opened the door starring them down.

"Is my daddy here, that's him car. My mommy put me and Ryder out. She was being mean and cut her hair. She look like a boy now. Can we come in?" Ryland asked stepping in anyways.

Confused Chris watched as the little girl took her shoes off from the wrong feet and sat on to his couch crossing her arms as the baby tried copying her.

How was he going to put out two little kids who obviously had nowhere to go, hearing a noise from upstairs Chris looked the kids and shook his head, "Aye look Ryder and bigger Ryder," he called out using the only name he knew which caused both them to look up, "I'ma bout to go upstairs. Don't touch shit or I'm putting the both of you out my shit, you can dig'it?" He questioned rising a brown in suspicion as the little one giggled.

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