Revealing Myself

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It had been ten Earth years since I had first been brought into Tartarus for torture. I decided that I should reveal myself today. The last girl I had brought to the Hunter's camp was about five days ago. The Hunters had probably moved on with their hunt by now.

I decided to backtrack and track them.


About three years ago I had told Hestia about how I had been in Tartarus, how escaped, and everything else I had told Hades. I saved demigods from monsters when they asked me to. I practically begged Hestia not to give me fire powers or anything.

I hadn't told either of them how long I was down in the stinking pit, even when they asked me. I just said "I've been down there for five Earth years."


I meant to track them, but then I saw some monsters. I decided to follow them. I picked one of them off with an arrow to the back of the head, which the other monsters noticed. They looked around for me, but I was hiding in the shadow of a tree. They didn't see me. They decided to keep going.

It went on like that. I shot the monsters with my arrows and made a few of their blood vessels explode and stuff like that. The last one ran into the clearing which I could already tell was where the Hunters of Artemis were preparing camp. I walked in after it and I glared at it. It got so scared that it got a heart attack. And exploded.

Suddenly, I had about ten arrows sticking out of my stomach. The only people who didn't shoot me were Artemis and the girls who I brought to the Hunters. The girls I brought recognized me and stared in horror at all the arrows sticking out of their only make friend's stomach.

I looked down at the arrows. I realized that I didn't really feel them enter my stomach at all. They all shot me right above where I knew the tattoo scar to be.

"Hello," I said calmly. "I've been impaled."

I pulled out the arrows. "You want your arrows back? No?"

No one moved. They were staring at me in horror, confusion, and some with relief.

I got tired of their staring and asked, annoyed, "Can you please stop staring at me? What did I do?"

Only about two people stopped, but they kept glancing. I glared at the people still staring.

Some of them dropped their bows when I glared, and some of them just cowered. Even Artemis looked nervous and scared.

I tried to teach myself how to make scarier glares just in case I needed to. I simply channeled all of my anger and terrible and scary memories into to my glare. It was really effective. They all looked away.

"You-you're not even bleeding!" Artemis stammered.

"I know," I said, not even looking down. I was so good at making the blood not go to the wounded area very much (not enough to drip out anyway, just enough so that the water in it heals the wound closed) that I could do it without thinking. I had a feeling I would literally be able to do it in my sleep if I had to.

"As much as I hate to say it about a boy, you are powerful," she stated. "Can you come to Olympus?"

"Yeah," I replied. "I wanted to. I could always do it now instead of walking all the way."

The Broken Hero Book One: BetrayedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon