2 ~ Blank.

42 2 3

The edge of the desert seemed to end and faded off into a white nothingness with some kind of solid ground. He reached an unsure foot towards the grounding. There didn't seem to be a cliff. Just some kind of continuation as if nature just ceased to exist. George's wood columbian heel clicked as it echoed into vast nothingness that some how had the resemblance of a hospital hallway. Only with a lack of occurring emergencies and bodies quickly brushing past as gurneys rolled along with IV tubes. "Hello?" George asked, looking towards the high sky of blank absence. "Hello?" A deep voice called back. A deep Scouse accent reflecting his own. He knew that voice. He knows that voice. His gait turned into a sprint as he ran. He ran for what seemed like miles hardly breaking any sort of sweat. His hair matting a little bit to his forehead as he leaned over, forming grasping his knees in attempt to catch his breath. "Hello?" A black cursive writing seemed to appear in midair. Causing George to rub his eyes in disbelief of the fantastical image. "Is anyone there?" The writing appeared again. He continued to run through the emptiness. Desperately wanting nothing more than to leave this bizarre place. "Hello?" He continued. Nothing... "Helloooo!!" He called in a sing-song like voice. "H-..." An unsure voice followed. "Hello?" He repeated more shyly. Wondering if his sanity had been lost. "Can you hear me?" George sat on the ground of sorts. "Y-... Yes." Though he seemed to say it more questioningly. "A-... Are you real?" The voice asked. George smiled smugly. "Depends... Are you real?" His smugness was about to buy him an abrupt deprivation from any sort of company as he heard nothing back. His impish mouth twisted into a deep frown as his long eyebrows furrowed into deep concern. "Hello?" He croaked out as a lump began to form inside of his throat. He heard a light patting from afar. "I-... I think I'm real." He heard back. George smiled as he continued to walk. "You think? Or you know?" George inquired. "Thinking is the same as knowing when you think about it... Isn't it?" The voice added. "No... There are the facts of knowing... That's why they call it knowledge. Then there are opinions which are the bare bones of thoughts summarized in only a few words." George replied. "Smart one." The voice mumbled as George began to follow the whiteness until he seemed to bump directly into a wall a groan following as he tumbled down like a bag of rocks. "Are you alright?" He heard... "Yeah. I think I just ran into a wall." He winced touching his bruised noes. "I thought ghosts could go through things!" He shouted. "G-... Ghost?" The voice asked. "Wh-.... We're... Dead?" He asked still wondering of this place, "yeah. Why d'ya think we're 'ere?" George asked finding a deep hole that seemed to narrow around into a wide enough circle for him to crawl through. "I- I don't know... What am I thinking?" The man retorted. "I don't know that's for you to find out." He replied smugly. "What's tha' suppose to mean?" He interrogated. "Don't know, just thought it sounded distinguish like." His fang like mouth smiled as the voice laughed. The hole abruptly stopped. Causing George to hit his head against the wall again. "Ye hit yer noes again." The deeper voice asked. "No." He groaned clutching his forehead as another bruise began to rapidly form. "Seconds speed up in 'ere ye know?" The voice said. "How d'ya know that? Ye didn't know you were dead until I told you." George recalled. "Just somethin' I noticed." He defended. George turned around carefully and made his way outside of the hole. "Which way are you?" George interrogated. "I don't know... Directions don't seem to exist. Y'know?" He replied. He straightened his coat and felt a wall... Then suddenly nothing at all. Everything seemed to appear and then disappear. "Gees and I thought John was the one blind as a bat, aye?" The man chuckled. "J... John?" George asked. "John Lennon?"
"Yes." A structure began to appear... Walls beginning to build and then chisel themselves. Two arches began forming outward with a stem. three flat boards and a back supporting them, and a two curved arches facing first inwards then outwards. YES.
His eyes deceived him... The statue still stood looming over George's thin frame. He seemed to be amazed at the sight as everything quoted the voice he spoke with. He walked further... A grey brick wall beginning to materialize like a Phoenix rising from the ashes.

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