We were hidden away separately as Rebel Rogue placed her mask onto her nervy face.

The mask wasn't anything special, it was just a satin mustard coloured mask which was kinda shaped like a cat- it had cute 'lil cat ear on it, which Rogue had called 'different but cool'.

She tied the string around her head and hair, which was shoved up into two buns.

I could peek at everything she was doing behind a chipped beam.

Rebel Rogue held her gun out infront of her as mine was clutched to my side.

The guns were ones that have ran out of battery, all the old ones that we've used we keep for practising one on one battles.

Rebel was standing in the open centre space of the barn, pointing her toes and making patterns in the golden sand, spraying dust all around her.

I was patiently waiting for the first Killjoy of my clan to pounce at her, but so far nobody has showed their masked selves yet.

That was, until Jet Star rolled across the ground and placed his gun against Rebel's head-

Who then gracefully twirled out of his grip and 'shot' him in the chest.

Jet's jaw collapsed to the floor in shock before, as the rules state, he played dead.

He fell to the floor and laid as still as a freeze frame. Well, mostly.

D-did she just take out Jet Star?

I know she said that her Father began to train her up, but... She moved like a whirlwind.

She was oozing with grace and fought rhythmically, as if this was all just a dance sequence that we perfected together.

Party ran like thunder towards her, but she just hand springed over him, before falling to her feet and back bending before shooting him.

Then Ghoul jumped off the second floor, he landed with a thud before shooting Rogue.

Sharply, she grazed her body against the floor in an elegant roll, before jumping on Fun Ghoul's shoulders and flipping him around, so she was on top of him, straddling him. She pressed her gun to his forehead and yelled, "BANG!" Before he swore and stayed still, grumbling about the impact that his body had with the ground.

I slipped out of my hiding space, revealing myself to a sweaty, breathless Rebel. When she saw me she held a manic grin, her hands quivered and she gripped her gun even tighter.

My heart rate picked up speed as she ran over to me, her trainers gliding through the grime we trained in.

She was confident, I could tell by the way she idiotically tried to slide underneath me.

So I back flipped over her gliding body that was on the floor and crushed my foot against her rib cage.

She gapped at me as I flicked my gun around my fingers and giggled before shooting her.

"BANG!" Everyone screamed at her, causing me to chuckle even more.

I lifted Rogue up by the straps of her dungarees and she kept her gaze onto mine. "Wow Rogue, you were-"
"Y-you... That was amazing! You're so great!" She grinned before spinning around and working her way to the moaning mess of bodies on the floor.

"Sorry about that.." She mumbled whilst grabbing Party's hand and tugging him to his feet.
"Na, it's cool, but ya know, revenge..." Party Poison smirked showing his petite teeth.
"What do you mean- ah!" She yelled as Party tripped her up. She crashed on top of Fun Ghoul, her head banged against his chest as her legs pinned to his sides.

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