CH. 28 Praeludium for you

Start from the beginning

“Yeah, that’s true. This year is warmer than usual. But Jas, promise me to take some pictures and..” He leaned closer to me to whisper in my ear. “And I think that making love under the stars is very romantic. I’ll try with my Alexi when it’s warmer.”

I probably went thermonuclear, especially in seeing Alex chuckling in a very amused way guessing the reason of my blushing. Boy, why I still blushed over such things? Why couldn’t I get used to it? I mean, he was my best friend and we talked about everything.

“Jasper, just make sure to take care of the food; Dima isn’t the best at managing food while camping and I’m not joking. He managed to make a mess even in just grilling marshmallow, so have your idea.” Alex grinned and shook his head, and I blinked trying to picture it.

“But he made pizza for me and it was very good and he also cooked me breakfast.” I made myself blushing at realizing what I said and in seeing how they stared at me with an evident smug smile.

“Hmm, I guess it was when you guys needed to replenish your energies, right?” Travis winked and I just rolled my eyes.

“Well, he might be ok with that, but believe me Jas, he can be a disaster while managing barbeque, I mean, you know Dima very well, right?” I thought about Alex’s words and uhm well, sure, I think he was right. Last week we had dinner together at his place and he almost burned the steak and boy, I still had no idea how he almost did it. “I see you got what I mean. But aside that, don’t worry. He really enjoys camping and I think you had a great idea, since he needs a break from everything, although dad told me his parents have never been so happy like now, especially his mother.”

“Oh boy, I know, but must say that also Dima is very happy and uhm well, I think Anatoly too. He has changed a bit. Have you talked to him since that Sunday?”

“Only once last week, when Julie went to see his injuries.” I could tell from the tone of his voice that he wasn’t ready to talk about this yet, and so I dropped the subject.

“How is he now?” Travis asked.

“Much better to be honest, but since his arm bone has a multiple fracture he has to keep the cast longer than usual. He’s been lucky though, ‘cause Julie said he risked surgery.” Travis nodded and Alex tightened the grip on him, as if guessing what his boyfriend was thinking about.

“Hope he will get better soon.” My best friend said with a genuine smile, while Alex studied my face. Dima told me that even if he might give the impression of not caring, it wasn’t right, because he asked how Anatoly was doing many times and for someone like Alex I think it was quite a lot. He wasn’t for fake display of interest and asking was already a lot for him; I came to like him very much, because he was an extremely sincere and caring person.

“Uhm, he told me he wants to speak to my friends too, but uhm well, not sure when.” He furrowed his brows.

“Anatoly said that?”


“I see, so he really wants to get even with everything. That’s good.”

“Will you go to see him soon?” Travis asked him.

“I think River wants to go next week, might tag along. Want to come as well?” My best friend just smiled and pecked his lips. I felt my lips smiling while looking at them, but then I remembered they had plans.

“Oh boy, I keep you guys talking, but you have something to do, right?”

Alex gave a quick look at his watch and nodded.

“Yeah, we better get going baby. If you still want to watch that movie, it’s going to begin soon.”

Uhm, so they weren’t going to skip their plans, but uhm well, you never knew with them and Travis sure would find the way to have a … boy, just thinking about that made me blush, but uhm, how he called it? Oh sure, quickie. Oh boy, what was I thinking about? Well…I think Dima and I had one right two days ago, when he drove me back from school and uhm well…we kissed and…well, we both were in the mood and given we had almost no time, well..yep, that sure was a quickie. Boy, quick but intense. I giggled and then blushed. What was I thinking about?

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