Chapter 3 : He lets us pass just to be kicked out

Start from the beginning

Ichigo stood up with a growl and grabbed his Zanpakutō out the ground laying it on his shoulder.
Ichigo : orihime could you do me a favor and take care of Jidanbo ?

She nodded but then their attention went to the people appearing in the village.
Ichigo : look what we got here.
Uryu : they must have been hiding.
Yoruichi : thats not strange souls that go to the soul society illegal are called Ryoka. There are the root cause of all kind of trouble.
Ichigo : they must think we are their enemies.

Chad Orihime and Uryu took slowy a fighting stance feeling threated.
Old man : please stop.

A old man stepped out of the group bowing to them.
Old man : im the elder of the Rukon district. I witnessed everything that happened just now. We want to welcome you as Jidanbo's saviors.
(Y/n) : well that was unexpected.

A little while later brought by you by orihime hostipal :  you think she crazy but she safes your life

The group stood with the souls around Jidanbo unconscious body. Orihime looked at the giant wound, (y/n) just stood against a wall not looking and the rest just stood with the villagers.
(Y/n) thought : well barely here and we already met a captain he was strong just like Grandfather told me captains were. How are we gonna pull this of ? attack was enough to beat Ichigo and blast Jidanbo and him away and the guy just said 'bye bye' this is not gonna be easy.

Yoruichi voice appeared next to him.
Yoruichi : i know your scared i saw the look but don't be for everything is a way and i know all of them.

(Y/n) looked down and saw the cat looking at him with the yellows orps.
(Y/n) : thanks Yoruichi.

He scratched the cat behind the ear earing a purr.
Yoruichi : oh right there yeah thats the place. Wait stop it !

He chuckeld and stopped to look at Orihime healing powers.
(Y/n) : at least good to know we have a docter with us.
Yoruichi : yes we gonna need it im scared.
(Y/n) : yeah i bet im gonna be sore if i survive this.
Yoruichi : oh sore will be the best thing you feel after this.

(Y/n) chuckeld and spotted a little boy coming out of the growd and waving happy at Chad who looked he saw a ghost........ Wait they were seeing ghosts.

Later ( its good to know that they see ghost too)

The group splited up Chad and the kid walked away to catch up, orihime stayed with Jidanbo to make sure he was okay and Uryu stayed with her. Ichigo went with the old man to his house saying they were welcome for the night.  (Y/n) helped Yoruichi asking around for Yoruichi friend.

The streets where pretty busy but they walked without trouble through asking around....While (y/n) walked the cat sat comvertable on the boy shoulder.

(Y/n) : so who is actually your friend ?
Yoruichi : somebody who could help us get in....,she is a pyrotechnic expert but she had a idea that could break through the shield around the city.
(Y/n) : hhmmm you are a intreresting cat Yoruichi.
Yoruichi : why because of the talking, my knowlegde or my friends ?
(Y/n) : everything.

They kept walking until the spotted a shop selling fish. Yoruichi stomach growled.
(Y/n) : why are you hungry im walking ?
Yoruichi : im haven't eaten in a while.
(Y/n) : yeah me neither but i have no money for it.
Yoruichi : they use coins not money.
(Y/n) : same thing.
Voice : come on come on try your luck !

Bleach : hollows on the loose (yoruichi x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now