"I am sorry, Your Majesty. I just did not wish to impose on your and the Princess's private moment." I peck Liv on the cheek before ushering her to stand along with me.

"Tis alright. We were just going over redundant rules," I reply in an obvious lie, but she does not seem to pick up on it.

"Attempting to climb the drapes again?" she asks, giggling behind her hand. I cannot help but laugh along with her.

"I am afraid so! Gods, she is so much like me!" For some strange reason, my laughter grows until my sides begin to ache. Zena seems to be quite affected by it, as she too begins belting out in amused chimes. It feels good to do this again. Although Daegan does a rather sufficient job at making my laugh, I do not do it nearly enough anymore. I miss it....

The tears that were flowing from sorrow only moments ago now become tears of giddiness. I reach up and wipe them away with one hand whilst still clutching at my side with the other.

"Gods above, that felt good," I breathe out. She mimics my movements as she, too, wipes her face with the cloth of her apron.

"It is good to hear you laugh like that again, Your Highness. If I may be so bold." Her statement takes me by surprise. I can feel my eyes widen just slightly as I stare at her now bashfully blushing face.

"Thank you, Zena." I smile at her whilst nodding my head. Then, as I turn to look over in Liv's direction, I find that she is sprawled out sleepily in front of the fire on the plushness of the plum colored rug.

"Nap time for the Princess, it would seem," Zena confirms before she moves to fetch a blanket from my bed. I cannot help but grin as I watch her saunter over to my half awakened child before she drapes the fabric over her small form. As she does this, I make my way over to a nearby sofa cushion and politely have a seat.

"I am actually surprised that she has remained awake this long. Normally, she takes her naps around noon, just after lunch. But today, she was adamant upon staying awake for more play time with Christiana. Here it is, nearly dinner time and she is just now dozing off!" Zena giggles at my explanation.

"She seems to adore her cousin so, and I do not blame her. Christiana is a darling little girl." I nod once again, agreeing all too eagerly.

"Yes, she is. They cherish each other so very much. My only fear is that, with Liv's stubborn and mischievous temperament and Christiana's obvious resemblance to my brother's liking for getting into trouble, we may have our hands full in a few more years. They are quite likely to wreak havoc on all of us!" I fight to keep quiet as my daughter has now obviously dozed off. I cover my mouth with my hand, stifling the ripples of  laughter that threaten to erupt once again. Goodness, I am giddy today.....How very odd...

"Well, I am sure they will make for some very fond and precious memories for you and your..." She halts in an instant. Her eyes flood with fear as her mouth hangs open. I can literally hear the last words breaking off from the tip of her tongue.


This stings, but I have become so numb to the pain, that all I can do is scoff whilst remaining in my smiling demeanor.

"It is alright, Zena. I know what you were going to say, and it is perfectly alright. You do not have to mind your words so carefully around me." Her shoulders relax a bit before she moves to stand a bit closer to me. "And you do not have to stand. I know you must be tired from your work today. Please, have a seat." I wave my hand over towards an adjacent chair, hoping that she will accept my offer. She does not respond at first as she cautiously makes her way over towards the cushioned piece of furniture. She suddenly looks so uncomfortable. And I am surprised that, despite our history of troubling issues, I am upset in realizing that she is uneasy in being so close to me. I have never liked for people to feel out of place or awkward around in my presence. I want them to feel accepted, comfortable, and loved. A lot about me has been altered in the past year and a half, but that much has not changed. 

Overcoming the Darkness (A Loki Love Story) Book 4 of Darkness SeriesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя