chapter 7

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I am silent. Dead silent.
This is not true. They are joking.

"You are jokimg. You guys are funny!" I say but there faces look even sadder.

"You aren't joking are you?" I whisper as they get up to hug me.

"No!" I yell jumping out of my seat.
"What do you mean they are dead? How can they be dead? This is just some sick joke!" I yell and back away.

Jake walks up to me and pulls me into his chest hugging me tightly as I let glistening tears fall down my face.

"Shush Willow. I am here for you. We all are" he says while rubbing my back.

I look at my watch and then pull out of his embrace.

"It is late so I am going to head off to bed" I say and walk away without another word.


Jakes POV:

I turn around to my parents and police officers as Willow walks away.

"What happened to them?" I ask them as is it back down at the table.

The elder looking police officer pulls out a folder and passes it to me.  I open it and quickly turn my head away as I see the dead bodies.

"Their car was set alight while the chauffeur was fuelling up the car. The back doors were locked as most chauffeurs do and they couldn't get out in time. This was all that was left of the wreckage" he says and flips it over to another page.

All you could see was the frame of the car and the sizzling smoke in the photo.

Poor Willow I think and hop up from the table thanking the officers before heading up to Willows room.


"Come in" I hear her faintly say and I open the door stepping In and shutting it quietly behind me.

"Hey I uhm, I just wanted to let you know that my bedroom door is always open to you. I mean like not in a sexual way just that if you need a shoulder to cry on I'm here for you" I say as I sit next to her on the bed.

"Thanks Jake. It is just th-"

"Jake! Your mother and I are heading out to the forensics lab. We will be home tomorrow. Take care of Willow!" My dad yells as he walks out.
I look at her and smile.

"Movie night?" I ask.
She faintly smiles but nods and gets up with me.

Willows POV :

After a lot of arguments and pillow fights we both decided on watching On The Road.

I had my head in his lap as he rubbed my forehead while stuffing our faces with popcorn. Neither of us had seen this movie and it came as a shock when it got to a two on one make-out scene.

I sat up and moved over a little. I was getting really flustered and turned on which was unusual in these circumstances. My parents just died for f&$ks sake. Yet I have to say the distraction was for sure a good thing.

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