chapter 6

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This is not happening. I am legit dying. Why did i agree to this?  Wait a minute.

"Hey! I did NOT agree to this buddy!" I say poking Jake in the chest.

He laughs and helps me do up my jumpsuit.

"You didn't havw a choice and besides, this will be fun! I even got you something so that you feel safe while falling from a plane". Like thats going to make me feel safer.

He turns me around and so my back is up against his chest and he asks me to life my hair up. I do as he asks and i feel cold metal againts my chest. I feel his fingers against the back of my neck and i get instant tingles shooting through my body.
He turns me back around and i look down to see an infinity pendant on a necklace with angel wings on other side.

I go to thank him but get cut off by the instructor saying time to go.

"Record my ending?" I ask.

"Of course. Now don't be nervous. I believe you can fly" he says and i get dragged off to the plane.

So the plane takes off and my stomach churns. Im not an adreniline junkie ok? Im more of a netflix and actual chill chill type of gal.
I will get Jake back for this.

We get up high enough and the instructor postions us at the door.

"You ready!?" He yells.

"No!" I yell back

"Let's go!" He cheers and jumps out.
Oh so no apparently means yes now. Thanks a lot jerkoff!

My eyes are clenched shut as we fall to our death. Ok a little dramatic there Willow, and i start screaming bloody murder.

He pulls out a selfie stick and takes a photo of us and at the top of my lungs as he records i scream,


I look around at the view and am stunned. You could see everything from up here.

As we are getting closer and closer to the ground he pulls the string and the parachute flies out ripping us upward.
We land safely and i unclip myself thanking the guy.

I turn to see Jake and i run full force at him and jump on him.

" Best. Day. Ever!" I yell and he chuckles.

"Ready to go? " he asks and i nod.

On the drive home i am rambling on about the experience and how someday i am going back and doing it again. He pulls up at the house and i see a police car out the front.

" Jake what is going on?"

" I dont know. Come on" he says and we walks up to the house.
When we walk in i see Mr and Mrs Waters sitting with two police men at the dining room table.

"Mom? Dad? What is going on?" Jake asks and we sit douwn across from them.

They both look at eachother then at me.

"Willow. It is your parents" she says and starts sobbing.

"What? Whats happened?" I ask.

Mrs Waters sobs. "They were in an accident"

I stop breathing and Jake instantly pulls me into him.

"Are they ok?" I ask and Mr Waters looks down.

"Willow they are dead"

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