The Last Straw

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"We have an important business meeting with the CEO of Samsung on the 25th," my boss, Mr. Downing said. "This is a huge opportunity for us and we can't screw it up."

He shot a glance in the direction of some of the communications staff. The secretary three floors below entered the conference room. "I just got a call form Jamison Industries International," she announced. "They're giving us a trial day, and want to know if we have anyone on the case."

"Anyone like who, Linda?" Mr. Downing said. "Lawyers, secretaries, power brokers, janitors?" He earned a laugh from the back of the room.

"Consultants and brokers," she said, her face reddening from humiliation. Mr. Downing looked at Rob and I. "Luckily we have two of them in this room," he said. "Morrison, McLaughlin, let's go." He led Rob and I towards his office.

"This is a huge opportunity for the two of you," he said.

"Sir, are we going to have senior officers on this with us?" Rob asked. He was easily intimidated. I wanted to scold him for asking such a stupid question.

"Of course you are," Mr. Downing said. "I wouldn't just throw you to the sharks. I don't want the whole company to go down the toilet."

I shifted in my chair. "Is there a problem, Mr. McLaughlin?"

I shook my head. "I would just like to know the hours of this project," I said, uncomfortable with all this sudden attention from my boss. I could spin circles around the minds of Japanese businessmen, but Mr. Downing was a scary guy.

"You'll be in late every night, if you get home at all," he said.

"I don't know if I can do that," I said. "See, I have a daughter-"

"I have three daughters," Mr. Downing said. "I'm here twice as long as you are. It's a yes or no, Brett."

"Can I have time to think about it?" I asked.

"Twenty-four hours," he barked, checking his watch. "I expect an answer at three thirty-five tomorrow afternoon."


I asked Reece about her day, even knowing that it was going to be the same as yesterday. C.J. made a mess of her spaghetti, and I was designated to clean it up, as usual. I missed the days with Reece when every day was exciting, and something new was always waiting for us. Now, I had fallen into a rut, and taking the Jamison project would get me out of it.

"Jamison International is a huge commitment," Rob had warned me after Mr. Downing left. "Are you sure you have time for that?"

I nodded. "I have plenty of time. My parents are in town and they can watch C.J. if I work late," I responded, typing in my new schedule.

"I wasn't talking about C.J., Brett," Rob said.

I sighed. "Reece knows that I work late. She'll be thrilled to hear that I got put on this case," I said with an edge of certainty. I only asked for this project so that I could have more time at the office to avoid going home. Being back at the apartment felt like a cage, and I would much rather be helping someone else's life than worsening mine.

"I've been thinking of starting a new project at work," I started, looking at Reece for a reaction.

"That's great, honey," Reece said, responding robotically. It had become her go to response whenever C.J told her about school or I told her about work. Over time I had adopted the phrase as well.

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