The Third Wheel

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It was the beginning of eighth grade when my life flipped completely upside down. I got recommended for a private lacrosse team, and I made it. I played with kids on the Varsity team at the high school, and my skill level has really gone up. So has my muscle mass. I've been practicing every day, with the addition of pushups and sit ups, wall sits, curl ups, and running every day. I actually have a six pack.

I sat with Kyle and Reece at lunch, like I had done since I was in preschool. I got up to get a Gatorade. I had been going through the 24 packs of those things like there was no tomorrow. I returned to the table to see Kyle sit right next to Reece. "-with me?" he was saying. Reece blushed, and I could only imagine what he asked her. "I know it's kind of weird, what with us being friends and everything with Brett, but I think he'll understand."

Reece looked down. I sat with my friends. It's like I wasn't even there. "Yah, I guess," Reece said. She looked at me. "Hey, Brett," she started.

I got up and started to walk away. "Yah, I heard."

My friends chased after me. "Brett, wait!" I heard Reece's voice call after me. I turned around. "What?" I snapped.

"I'm sorry, but it's weird for me too," she said. "I kinda like him and he surprised me."

"He's liked you for two years, it's hardly a surprise," I said sharply. 

"What?" she said, startled. "But, that's not the point. Shouldn't I try to go after what I want, or care about someone who pays attention to me?"

"I pay attention to you!" I shout. Oh no, she's not playing the 'I have one parent and three siblings' card on me. Not today. "Why can't we just be friends! Is that not enough for you guys anymore? You have to get all hot and bothered over each other-"

"Brett, that is such an outdated phrase-"

"I don't give a damn!" I interrupted her interruption. "This isn't what I signed up for!"

"You didn't really sign up for anything," Reece said. "Our moms just thought it would be a good idea. We're practically family-"

"Then you're dating your brother!" I shouted. Some conversations around us hushed. Reece's cheeks flushed red. "Brett please, I'm sorry."

I stormed off. "Tell it to your boyfriend. I'm your friend, but no way in hell I'm going to be the third wheel."

I kicked the wall outside the courtyard. What the hell was that, Brett? I scolded myself. What are you freaking out about? I was pissed. My two best friends, who I had known since I was one -thirteen years!- had started dating. I couldn't believe this. I felt mislead. They were traitors. Why did I care so much? This was about more than being a third wheel, more than betrayal. I thought about how cute Reece looked when she blushed, how good her hugs felt, how much I loved hanging out with her, how jealous I got when I saw she and Kyle playing without me in fourth grade. I slumped to the ground in sudden realization. Kyle wasn't the traitor, I was the jealous friend. Because I liked Reece too.


I kicked the door open with a bang when I got home. Nikki jumped, as I had obviously startled her. "Oh my God, Brett, you scared me!"

"No shit," I muttered. Nikki didn't hear me. She followed me into the kitchen. She sat eagerly at the counter as I made myself lunch. She propped her head against her elbows. "So, I was thinking about surprising Mom and Dad for their anniversary-"

"Not now, Nikki," I said, slamming the jar on the counter. It cracked slightly on the side. "Their anniversary is months from now."

"It's seven months, and since it's their twentieth anniversary we should do something special," Nikki persuaded. Were all little sisters this annoying? Reece would know. She'd make some snide remark about Desiree and laugh it off with Kyle and I. Dammit, stop thinking about Reece!

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