The First Secret

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Despite my horrid talk with my father, I continued searching for a time to do something with Reece, and the opportunity showed itself one Saturday afternoon. 

"Brett, your mother and I are going to be out of the house for a few hours," Dad said, standing in my doorway, looking flustered. 

"Really? Why?" I said, trying not to sound too surprised. Dad sighed. "Your mother has a lunch that was allegedly scheduled a month ago," he said with an annoyed expression, "and I have a conference your mother couldn't care less about."

I didn't respond. I knew better than to get involved in my parent's fights. "Just behave yourself, and look after your sister," he said, leaving the doorway. I rolled my eyes. Nikki can look after herself, I thought. 

My sister stood in my doorway, replacing where my dad was just minutes earlier. "Brett, I'm bored," she whined. I stood from my bed and shoved past her. "So what, that's not my problem."

"Dad said that you had to look after me," she started.

"And do you want to be looked after?" I interrupted what I knew was going to turn into a fifteen minute rant. 

She stopped, her mouth dangling open. "No."

"Then go away," I said. 

My phone buzzed on my dresser. I went back into my room to retrieve it. I smiled when I saw the text was from Reece. Are you busy today?

I wanted to invite her over, and the desire grew when I realized that my parents wouldn't be home for hours. Reece had been warming up to the idea of getting intimate with me. She wanted someone who loved her, and I always had. I just hoped she loved me as much as I did her. My plan was perfect. Except for Nikki.

"Get out," I barked at my sister.

"I'm not even in your room," she protested. I rolled my eyes. "That's not what I meant. Get out of the house."

Her eyes widened. "What? Where am I supposed to go? Why can't you leave?" she shot at me. She caught sight of my phone screen and saw who I was texting. She put two and two together. 

"No, no, no, ew," she stammered. "Oh you're going to get in so much trouble."

"Yah, and who's going to tell?" I fired back.

"Me," she said, putting up a tough front. 

"And while you're at it, are you going to tell them about your F in Physics?" I asked.

Nikki held her ground. "That's going to look tame next to what you're about to do."

Shit, I thought she would crumble under that. There was no way Nikki was going to be able to tell Mom and Dad that Miss Perfect 4.0 failed a class. I tried the big brother approach. "Please, I'd do the same for you," I pleaded.

"No you wouldn't," she snapped. 

"Nikki, get lost."

"What will you do if I don't?" she demanded.

"I'll force you," I said. "And I saw that picture of Kyle in your room. You're not fooling anyone."

Nikki blushed at the mention of my best friend. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Just stop with the shit, Nikki," I said. She put her head down slightly. "Can you leave already?" I asked her.

"Can't I just stay here? Where the hell am I supposed to go?" she asked.

"Figure it out," I said, pushing her out into the hallway. She made a face at me before making her way down the stairs. "You're disgusting."

"Get the fuck out," I demanded, texting Reece to come over.

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