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A few hours later...

...the sun was still shining bright in the blue sky. A few wispy clouds appeared, providing shade every time they passed in front of the glowing ball of light. Angela had engaged in some small talk with the Curry family, slight rocking to the oldies on the radio, and downed two and half plates of food, not including the cherry and blueberry tarts, lemon bars, and margaritas prepared by Ayesha, Steph's wife. 

Everyone began clearing their plates to go inside or leave. After the patio/lounge area was cleaned, everyone filed inside the cool, air-conditioned home, standing around the kitchen.

"Okay y'all, bed time!" Ayesha yells. She claps twice while looking at her kids and at the older folks; both Steph and Ayesha's parents start chuckling.

"Why you treating us like kids?" Ayesha's mom jokingly asks.

"Because. You know that you and dad like to go to bed early; tomorrow is gonna be a busy day at Fun World."

"Fun Worrrlllllld!" Riley cheers, her face lighting up. The room chuckles at her cuteness.

"You're right. Your father and I best be going back to our house," Ayesha's mom replies. "But it was wonderful seeing everybody again." She smiles and hugs Steph and his parents.

"Same to you!" Mrs. Curry replies, seeming to speak for her whole family.

"Love you, mom. Love you, dad. Thanks for coming; see you tomorrow," Ayesha says as she walks them to the front door.

Steph picks up his daughter Riley and holds her. "And it's time for you to get ready for bed, too."

Riley whines, "Nooo! I'm not sleepy, daddy!"

"You got to, sweetie."

"You want me to bathe her for you?" His mom asks, while rubbing Riley's back.

"No, it's fine."

"Can I put Ryan in her crib? She's already knocked out," his sister, Sydel asks, as she rocks her niece in her arms.

"Sure, but we'll have to bathe her when she wakes up," Steph affirms.

Sydel grins and walks upstairs with her niece in arms. His brother, Seth, lets everyone know that him and his dad are gonna play video games in the den for a while. Steph approves and says that he'll join a little later, after taking care of Riley and getting Angela situated. Seth and his dad say goodbye to Angela, reiterating how nice it was to meet her, and disappear out of the room. As Ayesha walks back into the room, Mrs. Curry explains that she will be getting her beauty sleep; she hugs everyone, including Angela, before departing to one of the guest rooms of the Curry's home. Angela rubs her arm and stands beside Steph as the room slowly clears out. He looks at her with a sappy grin, rocking Riley in his arms.

"So, Angela, I hope you had fun," Ayesha says with a toothy smile. 

Angela nods, "Yeah, I did! I can't wait for tomorrow, either."

"That's good to hear. Well, travel safely back to your hotel. The traffic can be messy out there."

"Oh, um--"

Steph quickly cuts in, "Angela's actually gonna be staying in one of the guest rooms for the weekend. I told her we had room..."

Ayesha's mouth slightly drops, but she quickly fixes her face and forces a smile. Angela can tell that she's hiding her shock and most likely mild disapproval. What woman would be okay with their man's... girl friend staying in their house? Angela eyes Steph, whose face has gotten a little red; he looks a little worried. Ayesha crosses her arms, clears her throat, and looks to Angela.

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