Family BBQ

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Angela arrives at the address that he texted her last night. She was not sure if she would be out of place by taking his number... or actually texting him... or accepting his invitation to celebrate the holiday weekend with his family. She felt like it was inappropriate to accept a married man's phone number, but it's not like she has a romantic interest in him. He's the one who gleefully gave it to her. It was a gesture from one old friend to another. No harm, no foul. 

All guilty feelings aside, she sort of wanted to see how he was living because she's nosy. Stepping outside of her crimson colored Ford Escape, she admires their large, luxurious home. She recognized the Mediterranean style architecture from other homes in the Bay Area. Though she is a physical therapist, she has a keen eye for architecture and interior design. She walked across the cobblestone driveway to the big black gate that guarded their house.

"Wow... they got a gate?" She mumbles in astonishment.

She sees a white buzzer next to the gate that says 'Push for entrance'; she pushes the button carefully as a man with a low, matter-of-fact voice responds through the little machine. 


"Hi? Um, it's Angela - Angela Robinson?"

"I see you. Come inside."


The gate magically opens slowly, giving Angela a good view of their mansion sized home. She exhaled a good breath and began walking down the cobblestone pathway and to what she assumed was the front door. She noticed how the greenery was very exuberant, trimmed, and neatly placed around the home and throughout the courtyard. As she arrived at their doorstep her eye caught a bed of roses planted in the moist dirt. How pretty, she thought. The door suddenly opened and she recognized the face that peered from behind it, smiling genuinely as he smiled while biting down on his lip.

"Hey!" He greets. 

"Hey!" Angela responds, awkwardly giggling.

"Come in." Steph steps to the side of the doorway, allowing Angela to step inside as he shuts the door behind her. "Let me get a hug," he says in a cute little voice. Angela walks into his arms and gives him a respectable hug as he wraps his arms around her, patting her back then releasing her as another female walks into the room.

"Hey, babe. This is my friend Angela," Steph says.

Angela looks at her with a friendly smile. She's seen pictures of her all over the internet, even a few of her cooking videos. Her light caramel skin seemed to glow along with her green eyes. I can see why he married her - she's beautiful, Angela thought. 

"Hi, I'm Ayesha."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Angela."

They shake hands in a friendly exchange. Nothing but smiles all around.

"I heard good things about you," Ayesha states.

"Oh, really?" Angela glances up at Steph who's smile hasn't gone away. "Things like what?"

"He told me you guys went to school together."

"We did."

"And so he wanted to invite you over..." Ayesha grins and looks up at her husband; they share a moment as she rubs her hands together, licks her lips strategically and continues, "So here you are. And it's nice to meet you."

Angela nods and replies, "You too. Your home is beautiful by the way. So classic but modern in its own way; the lighting is great in this room and-- your courtyard is really clean."

Ayesha looks a bit surprised at Angela's comments but nods slowly. "Thank you."

Angela grins and clasps her hands in front of her while admiring their house, spotting every detail and seam, every corner and ridge. Steph clears his throat and speaks up. "So, do you, uh, wanna meet the rest of the family?"

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