I miss you.

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"I don't know what's going on, Toby. " Spencer said in frustration. " ALL I KNOW IS THAT CALEB JUST TRIED TO MARRY ME , I BASICALLY STOLE MY BEST FRIENDS EX BOYFRIEND BECAUSE I .. I JUST..." she paused. She couldn't say it. " You just what Spencer, tell me " Toby said encouragingly. Spencer couldn't believe what was about to escape her mouth. " I MISS YOU! I CANT STAND THAT YOUR GETTING ENGAGED AND I STILL HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU AND YOU DONT FEEL THE SAME WAY.. ATLEAST NOT ANYMORE .. She yelled. "There I said it, you can just go now, and go back to Yvonne, I'm sorry Toby" Spencer said realizing how much she regret letting out her feelings. Something about Toby made her just come lose with everything on her mind. Now he would probably never speak to her again , and she didn't blame him.
Toby's facial expression was priceless. His emotions were stirring all over. He felt sorry for Spencer knowing that she felt this way for so long. He couldn't believe Caleb proposed after everything Hanna and him went through. He decided it was best not to mention to Spencer at the moment. What he was mainly concerned about was that she felt the same way. Toby had only gotten closer to Yvonne to get over Spencer. He couldn't believe Spencer had done the same with Caleb. He had taken it farther though, he actually decided to get engaged to his replacement. Spencer didn't accept Caleb's proposal. Spencer sat curled up into a ball on the ground next to Toby. She was waiting for him to run away out of the yard and back to wherever his precious Yvonne was. "Spence" he said with a half smile. Spencer was confused as to why he was even still talking to her. " y..y..ye..yes" she said stuttering.
" I miss you too... and I cant believe you feel the same way" Toby said finally releasing his feelings. Spencer couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. She had to be dreaming. She secretly pinched her wrist. This was real. "I love you Spencer, and I can't believe that I almost got married to Yvonne when the real person who should be walking down the aisle is right next to me" Toby said.
" Toby, what are you saying" Spencer said trying to sort through what exactly was happening. " Spence, I've always loved you and I never stopped loving you...Yvonne was a replacement for you. I thought i could move on, but I couldn't and I can't. Spencer, I think about you every day and I just couldn't get the guts to tell you this until now. I love you, Spencer. You're the one for me and I know that now.
Spencer looked at Toby. " Toby, I am so happy that you feel the same way, but youre getting engaged. What are you going to do about Yvonne? " Spencer asked.

" We're technically not married yet Spence" Toby replied. Spencer was overwhelmed." I need some time to think" Spencer said.

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