-Catching Up-

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Hey! I just want to say that Zane might not be appearing in the next few chapters. I want Reader~Chan to get to know some people first. There WILL be some Travis X Reader or Garroth X Reader moments, so be prepared! See ya Clods!

"(Y/N)!!!!!!" He ran up and hugged me. "Travis..... Too.... Tight...." He saw your distress and let go, "Why didn't you tell me you were visiting?"
Before you could speak, a sandy-blonde male barraged in. "Travis, who's at the door?"
"This is (y/n)!!! She's my childhood friend!!!" Travis exclaimed, while the blonde walked up to you and took your hand. "W-well, it's n-nice to meet y-you!" The blonde said, his cheeks dusted pink. "I-I'm Garroth." You smiled, "It's nice to meet you Garroth!" Travis pushed you two apart, "Hey, I want an explanation on why she's here."
"You do?" He dragged you in the house and sat you down on the couch. He sat on the other one. "So, why have you come to see me?" He leaned forward, "Well," you said, scratching the back of your neck. "I've kinda sorta moved onto this street."
"YOU WHAT!?!?" He tackled you and pinned you to the couch. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER?!" Your face became many shades of red, "W-Well, I wanted t-to surprise y-you..." Travis realized the position he was in and decided to make you uncomfortable by leaning in. "I..." A smirk formed on his face. "I wish you could've told me..." A fist of realization hit you. 'Oh, so he's trying to make me uncomfortable, huh? He's really changed since I last saw him.' You shoved him off you, "Not gonna work, buddy."
"Awww....." He sat on the other couch and smiled, "Well, I'm glad there's going to be another beautiful young lady on this street." You blushed lightly, "B-Beautiful?" He looked dumbfounded. "Oh? Well of course! You're very pretty, I have to say." Your face got a darker shade of red, "T-Thanks..."
"You're welcome! Now, since you're a girl.... I want to introduce to some of my girl friends!"

MY Little Doll (My Street!Zane Ro'Meave X Reader) DISCONTINUEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant