Will you marry me?

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It was a normal evening for Spencer Hastings. She was sitting in her living room studying as usual. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Spencer stood up to answer the door, expecting Hanna or Aria. Emily was with her family. She opened the door to reveal Caleb. She didn't know what to say, things were sort of awkward between them. It turned out, she didn't have to say anything.

"Spencer, will you marry me" said Caleb.
Spencer was in utter shock. He hadn't even said he loved her yet and now he wanted to marry her. She was in awe but knew that the time just wasn't right. She looked him in the eye and said " Caleb, I can't do this" She ran out her front door trying to find a place to think.

Behind her parents shed, she burst into tears. She couldn't believe she was finally about to admit to herself that she still had feelings for Toby. She tried to hold those feelings in, and now that he was engaged to Yvonne... she has no choice. Suddenly, she heard a branch crack in half. "Caleb, just go away" she demanded.
"Spencer?" A familiar voice said.
Spencer turned around in shock.

It was Toby.

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