Gintama [Zura x Oc (Eli)]

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This one is dedicated to ParfaitTerrorist <- Follow this amazing person. Enjoy reading~♡

"Eli wake up dear"

"One more minute,Mom!" The brunette girl groaned.

"Don't you want to go to the Mikoshi Yatai parade?"

"What?! Of course not!" She never missed that parade. The Yatai parade was one of the best things in fact.

"Mom, what do I wear?" She said looking through her cloths.

"Why not wear this?" Her mom showed her a beautiful kimono. It was red with white flower pattern. It's beauty was enhanced by silver silk threads.

"It's beautiful, can I have it?"

"Of course you can, but make sure you take care of it, my mother gave me this and now I'm giving it to you. It's precious"

"Okay I'll take care of it" she went changed into the kimono. It looked perfect. The red colour enhanced the beauty of her pale skin. She checked herself in the mirror and was satisfied. After making her hair into a messy bun

She left the house after saying goodbye to her parents.

'It's going to be fun' she was excited about the parade she always was since she was a child. She couldn't help but think about the parade this year.

Her train of thoughts was cut when she tripped over a rock. She shut eyes as tight as she could.

Damn it was going to be very bad

But before she could reach the ground she felt a pair of arms snake around her waist and pull her back up.

"Are you okay miss?" A bold yet polite voice asked. She turned around to see who it was.

She saw a handsome tall man with black hair reaching to his shoulders and olive green eyes.

"Yes, thank you ever so much"

"Your welcome miss---?"

"Eli, and you must be?"

"Katsura Kotarou" he smiled at her letting go of her waist. "Heading to the parade?"
Eli nodded in response "Oh that's great even I'm heading there you want to join?"


The two walked down the crowded streets. They asked questions about each other. Till they reached the parade it felt like they knew each other since ages.

It felt nice to be with each other

The parade started. There were people of different villages and the matches were held. As every year it was fun. After the parade they headed to the Yatai festival. It was only 12:00 by then.

"What do you want to do?"

"Umm..... I'm hungry can we go eat something? I didn't eat anything since morning I was too excited" she mumbled the last part


They went to a food stall. Both got themselves Karaage (Japanese style fried chicken served on sticks) after they were done eating they roamed around playing games eating sweets.

"That's hilarious" the brunette giggled on one his jokes. They kept on walking until they reached to a Sakura tree. They sat down to get some rest. The two sure were exhausted.

Eli rested her head on his shoulders which caused him to blush. There sure was something about her.The two sat in comfortable silence. Until Katsura spoke up.

"Eli...." He fidgeted then continued. "I think I like you.... I don't know but.... But I feel something for you. Be with me" slightly blushing he held her her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. Leaving the girl speechless.

"I-I-I don't know what to say...." The girls white face was scarlet at the moment

"You don't need to..." He pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss. The leaves falling from the Sakura made it more romantic

The rest of the day they exchanged kisses and words of love to each other.

Ahhh at last did it didn't turn out good tho and short as well..... Hope you liked it. Until the next time folks~ ^^;

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