Chapter 001.00

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She took out a diary and a pen from her drawer and just sat there before opening it.

"Our psychology teacher told us that we should write down whatever we feel on this diary if whenever we don't want to share our feelings with others. Do I even have anything to write? I barely have any problems or anything. It's not like I have anyone to share it with either! I live alone for crying out loud!!" She just looked at her diary. "Maybe I should do some research about these first."

She is someone that others would describe her as a nerd, even by her own friends. She turned her computer on and started Google-ing about the types of entries she can write in diaries until she landed on a blog.

"Maybe I should write a blog instead? I'm always open about my feelings anyway. Besides, maybe other people can learn from how I'm feeling. I'll just make an alias so no one finds out who I am." She thought to herself. "But what if someone I know reads this blog and finds out it's me?!"

She messed her hair up in frustration and just rested her chin on her palm.

"Whatever! I'll just write whatever then."

She signed up for a blog account with the alias GigiKay and clicked around the administration panel to make her first entry.

"Okay…. What to write…." She rested her chin again on her palm. "Hmmm... I can't write about my family. I wouldn’t wanna ruin their reputation. Especially, that idiot!" She rolled her eyes as she thought about them. She leaned back on her chair and just started typing on Word. "I'll just look at other people’s blog to get an example." She started clicking around the blog and landed on a blog from TotoMaries.

Grabee!! Badtrip!! How could I be so stupid?!

I guess I will be walking with crutches for a while.

I'm not making it a big deal since, in the end, this ankle will heal in a few weeks.

Gotta stay positive right?!

It just sucks that I won't be able to play basketball for a while.

At least I can practice my guitar while this ankle heals.

I'm actually getting better at it.

Check it out! I dedicate this song to my readers.

She then watched the video of the blogger playing the guitar and singing along. She let out a chuckle as she heard the few mistakes in between the chords  then decided to leave a comment.

"@totomaries I'm a new reader. Nice to meet you. I'm sure your ankle will get better in no time. Just don't put too much pressure on it. Also, you're pretty good with your guitar. Good job! Keep it up and you'll be able to play that bad boy like a pro." She posted the comment.

"Interesting…. I guess, with a blog, you just write whatever you feel like writing.” She went back to Word and started typing.

Hi guys!! I am a new blogger in town and I don't really know much writing one. There are a lot of blogs that I came across that are really good. After reading various blogs, I guess I can only write whatever that runs thru my mind. Kinda like the "whatever floats your boat" type of feel I guess?

Anyway, I dare not talk about my family as I do not want to ruin their reputation. They're not bad people or anything, but there are questions that run thru my mind about what they really want for me. I'm sure plenty of you guys wonder the same thing too right?

As my first blog entry, I guess I'll just talk about me first? Like an introduction. So thank you ahead of time if you read this entry and my future entries. I'm a mere mortal in high school stuck in this big world. I enjoy basketball and strumming my guitar. I'm not into any clubs at school or anything as I'm busy with my job. A high school kid who works?! I know right? That's what life gave me so I have to play the game right? I know I'll make it in the end.

Well, that's it for now. I have to wake up early tomorrow. Enjoy!

She copied and pasted her writing and published her first entry. She then got an email, stating a comment was left on her post.

"Already?" She checked the comment and it was from the blog she read previously. "@gigikay you play the guitar and basketball too?! That's awesome! Are you any good? What songs do you know how to play? Post naman dyan!" she read.

"Post? Me playing the guitar? I’m a total noob when it comes to posting anything. I’ll think about it!" She told herself. "@totomaries Perhaps after I figure out a way to record myself playing the guitar, I’ll post it up." She added.

She then got another email. "Totomaries started following you." It read. "I guess I'll follow him too, since we both like playing basketball and the guitar." She followed the blogger.

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