Chapter 13

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It's been one month since Devin moved in. That means that it is one month until the wedding. We have been doing a lot of dress shopping, and it is starting to drive me crazy. Like yesterday when we went dress shopping.

We walked in the shop, and sat down waiting for the dress lady, or what her name is, came out. Devin was getting on my nerves with all the touching she has been doing. She grabs my hand when she talks, so hugs me in the morning, and when we are at school she says embarrassing things like, "Hey Baby, how's it going?" She is driving me crazy. Anyway when the lady finally came out, she immediately started pulling me to different aisles with a lot of dresses surrounding me. When Devin and that lady found a dress the 'screamed me,' I was pulled into a dressing room where I tried on the dress. When Devin saw me she screamed and said, "OMG, you look amazing," then she hugged me. 

 Basketball season ended last week; we won our last game 40 to 23. The only thing that happened that made me want to puke right on that court was when Devin stood up and yelled, "You go Madison!"

It's now dinner and everyone is sitting at the table. "So how have things been going, Madison?" Dad asked. "Everything is fine," I answered. Things have been seeming  so different lately. "Oh well that's good. What are you Devin?" Dad smiled. Sometimes I still find myself shocked at how everything has changed. Mom died, Dad's getting married, and I don't even know if I can take anything else changing. " Everything is great. I'm marrying the man I love, I'm going to have an awesome stepdaughter," she sighed in contentment. I was feeling the total opposite. Thank God she can't read minds.

I woke up this next morning and got ready for school. I walked into my bathroom, and splashed cold water on my face to wake myself up. I feel so sluggish this morning. Next I stepped into the shower, wishing to wash away my tiredness. Once I was out, I picked out my outfit; fanel, blue jeans,and converse. I walked down stairs and was greeted by Deving who, as soon as she saw me, hugged me. I grabbed an apple and got into my car.

I pulled up at school and got out of my car. As I was walking up to the school, I noticed that everyone was starring at me. This has happened every since Devin announced that she was marrying Dad. I've had enough of it, "What are you looking at?" I asked everyone. They quickly scurried away. I walked to my locker and got my books out. I walked to my first class and waited for it to started.

Somehow my schedule got changed so instead of having American History last period I have drama. I didn't even know we had a drama class. When it was time to seventh period, I went to the drama room.

I walked into the classroom, and studied my surroundings. There were movie poster all over the walls including my favorite movie, "Taken 2." I took a seat an empty desk, and sat down. The teacher walked in and started class. Aparently they are putting on a new play. "Okay everyone, so we are putting on a play. This one will be a musical since our last play was action." Mr. Jonas, the drama teacher, announced to the class. I personally is not looking forward to this at all. I don't even sing, well, I've never tried so I don't know if I'm good or not. "And this will be a grade based on your performance which means everyone has to audition." Jonas said. Just my luck.

I walked to my car, and started it up. Right when I was about to pull off, Deving came rushing out the building yelling my name. "Madison, Madison, Baby." She yelled until I got out of my car and walked over to her. "What?" I asked annoyed and embarrased. I heard gigles coming from behind me. I turned around and glared at this girl until she ran away scared. I turned back to Devin, "I need you to go to the store and pick up some corn and we also need bread. Thanks honey," She said then went back inside the building. I got back into my car and pulled out of the school parking lot.

I stopped by Walmart to pick buy the corn and bread. I was in the aisle looking for the corn when someone bumped into me. I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes, it was Thomas.


Well, I hope you all enjoyed,and I bet you all are wondering who Thomas is. I would tell you now, but I think I might make you wait until next chapter. Yeah I'll do that. :) Anyway make sure to enter my contest. If you didn't read my author's note  a few chapters back, all the info is there. Remember the dedline is October 30, 2013. The winner will have the chapter dedicated to them. Anyway talk to you next chapter


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