Chapter 2

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I got out my car and ran to my mother's grave sight. I collapsed to the ground and started crying. How could he do this to my mother. I know it was 11 years ago, but  I can't believe he is replacing her like that. " Mom, I'm sorry that my dad is doing this." I whispered through my sobs. I looked up at the sky and saw the clouds start to turn gray. It's about to rain, but I can't move. I won't move. I heard the thunder and I saw the lightning, but I didn't even move an inch. I heard a car pull up, and I could see glimpses of light shining on me. The car door slam and seconds later, I heard foot steps. I turned slightly and saw my dad walking towards me. He crouched down beside me, " Honey, it's raining let's go home." He said to me looking directing a my mom's tomb. " Is 'she' still there?" If she was there is no way I'm going back there. " No, she left when I came looking for you." Dad replied reaching for my hand pulling me off the ground. We walked to the car and got in. Dad started driving down the slippery road. I didn't say anything while we were driving, just watching the rain drops race down the window.

When we finally made it home, I waited for Dad to get out and open the front door. I got out the car, while closing the door I realized Dad had my car hooked up to his.  I walked into the house and ran straight up to my room. I went to my bath room and took off my wet clothes. I got in the shower, and did all the necessary things. I put on some cozy P.J'S. I got into my bed and drifted to sleep. Today has been so exhausting.

I woke up feeling a little congested from being in the rain yesterday. I can't believe my dad is dating my math teacher. I shook all thoughts of her out of my head, and walked into my bathroom. I did my morning routine. I picked out my outfit for the day; deciding on some dark blue skinny jeans, a black and white mussel tee with a red bando, and some white converse.  I went down stairs grabbed a banana, and walked out the house. I didn't want to be with my dad at the moment. I drove to school with thirty minutes to spare. I walked inside the school, and  decided, since I have nothing better to do,  to go to the library. I found a empty seat in the back by a window. I took out the book I had to read for Mr. White, The Titanic. I have watched this movie over a thousand times already, but it's nice to read the because now I get more detail. If that's even possible; the movie is like three hours long.

I've been reading for a while before looking at my watch. I had five minutes to get to class. I gathered up my stuff and walked to my first period class. I walked into science just in time. As soon as I sat down in my seat, The bell rung. We started class and started working on a work sheet about different food groups. It was so easy; I finished in less than 3 minutes. I went back to reading my book. Before I realized it class was over. It felt like class was finished in a blink of the eye. I walked to Mr. White's class and sat down. He started class with yet another joke. "Why did the ants dance on the top of the jam jar? Because it said twist to open!" He laughed. It was kind of funny. Emphasis on kind of.  For the first section of the class he had us read our book, which I'm okay with. I just love the movie and the book. I'm surprised I haven't read this book yet.

My morning classes are all done now and I am in lunch eating with the basketball girls. They are discussing our first game this semester. We are playing against Jefferson's, and apparently they are supposed to be really good. I wasn't really into the conversation because I was too worried about Ms. D's class that I have next. I swear if she tries to talk to me she has another things coming. "Maddi, are you okay? You seem kind of P.O. right now." Sam asked me. She is also very nice, but can be mean when she has to. Sam has red, curly hair that reaches mid back. Has glasses, but she wears contacts when she plays, and she is really tall. "Can you guys keep a secret?" I asked them. "Yes, of course they said back while scooting closer to me. "My dad is dating Ms. Devin." I told them. They all gave me a shocked look. "Are you serious?" Jenna asked me. I nodded my head unable to speak, because if I did I would burst into tears. Jenna came around the table and hugged me. "It's going to be okay." She told me. Her words were so soothing and comforting. The bell rung ending lunch. We all parted in different directions. I walked into Ms. D's class with a queasy feeling growing inside of me.

I walked in slowly with my head down. I sat in the first seat I saw which was in the back of the class. Sooner than I expected she started with role. " Miss. Kirk." Ms. D called out. Next is me. " Madison?"  She called. I was trying to say here, but the only thing that can out was vomit.

She excused me to the nurse. I walked in and told the nurse what had happened. She told me to sit down and rest for a while. "Clean up in Ms. Devin's room. Clean up in Ms. Devin's room. I heard the intercom say before I drifted off to sleep. 


Thank you all for reading. If you would like to see the video I got all of Mr. White's corn jokes. Check it out on the side. The video is Landon Austin's. Some of you may know him as a singer. He made the song Ready for Anything. It's really popular. At least it is in America. Anyway the video of his corny jokes will be on the side.   

Landon's YouTube: LandonAustin2.

Picture of George Kirk --------------------->

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