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My phone started ringing as I sat in the Gee's private jet listening to the sounds of the engines starting .. Gee and I had took plenty of vacations on this jet but this time I needed to be alone !! I stared at my screen as I seen "Gee" flash across while vibrating in my hand .. Rolling my eyes I answered and put the phone to my ear ..

"Which one of your flunkys running they mouths now ?" I asked into the phone as I peeked around the corner at the cockpit .. And just like I thought there Chris the pilot was smiling back at me with a smirk on his face as he shrugged and turned back around

"Where you going ? You knew they was gonna call me !!" Gee replied

"I kind of knew but I was hoping they wouldn't !!" I admitted as I turned my attention back outside

"Where you going Baby ?"

"Somewhere Gee .. I'll let you know when I make it !! I just need to get away right now ok .." I replied

"Jaceon with you ?"

"Nope !!" I said popping the 'P'

"Why not ?" Gee asked

"Tevin .. that guy who raped me, he's still alive .. I thought I killed him !!" I said as I shook my head

"What that gotta do with Jaceon ?" He asked in confusion

"He's Jaceons brother .. and neither one of us knew !!"

"You sure he didn't know ?" Gee asked

"I'm positive .. Jaceons not like that !!" I said

Gee was silent for a while before he spoke .. "Well .. when you make it to wherever you going .. let me know !!" He said

"Alright !!" I replied

I ended the call as I looked back out the window ..

"You ready Baby ?" Chris asked standing in the door of the cockpit

I nodded "Yeah, snitch !!" I said smiling at him

He laughed as he turned around and disappeared into the cockpit ..


"So he still alive Gee ?" Pimp asked as he sat across from me

"Yeap, but he won't be for long .." I replied tucking my phone back into my pocket "Let's go .."

Walking out of the warehouse my trigger finger had a twitch to it .. after years of taking mu'fuckas lives I knew that feeling all too well .. I didn't play about my money, I didn't play about my business, I didn't play about my women, & I didn't play about Baby !!

"I can handle that for you my nigga !!" Pimp said following close behind

"Naw, I wanna do this .. it's personal" I replied in deep thought

"I'm going too then bruh"

After making only a couple phone calls we knew exactly where Tevin was and who he was with ..


"Where are you Jace ?" I heard Baby ask into the phone ..

After a full 24 hours she finally answer her phone .. I hadn't left the spot in hours because I was too busy tryin to find out where the hell she was ..

"I been at the spot looking for you .. where you at ?" I asked sitting back into my seat

"Barbados !!" She finally answered after a long pause ..

"Want me to meet you there ?"

"Yes !!" She said

"You alright ma ?" I asked her .. Tevin was my bro .. and what he did was foul as fuck .. but that wasn't gonna change shit between me and Tia if I had anything to say about it ..

"I'm good !!" She answered

"Aight .. I'll let you know when I'm on my way !!"

"K" After that she ended the call

All I could think about was getting to Tia .. That's when Black busted through the door .. Black had been my boy since 8th grade, and we had been at this money shit every since ..

"The fuck you bargin in here for ?" I asked kicking my feet off of the table and back down on the floor

"Gee just killed your brother !!" He replied gettin straight to the point

"The fuck you talkin about ?!" I asked

"Gee .. just fuckin blasted your brother .. execution style .. straight threw the head bro !! In broad fuckin daylight, no mask, no nothin !! You and him beefin ?!" Black asked looking just as confused as me

"This a joke ?" I asked taking my phone out dialing Gee's number ..

"Fuck naw man the ambulance in Brooklyn right now about to take that nigga to the morgue .. C-Mo just called me askin me did you know !!" He replied

That when Gee answered

"What up Jace ?" He said

"You killed my brother B ?" I asked gettin straight to the point

"Didn't he rape Baby ? You think I was lettin that slide ?!" He asked with a chuckle

I nodded my head .. I understood where he was comin from but it was blood before anything else .. and he killed my brother ..

"So it's like that Gee ? We goin there ?!" I asked for confirmation .. in my book it was about to be war

"I guess so .. that's the difference between me and you Jace .. I'm protecting her by any means .. you protecting her when its not your people !! He said

"You fucked Tia ?" I asked

Before I even got a answer Gee ended the call .. but I had somethin better for him .. In the back of my mind I knew he had a thing for Tia whether she noticed it or not .. but she was mine and I was gonna let him know just that !! Going to my videos on my phone .. I looked at me and Tia's little sex tape before sending it to Gee .. but this was just part one .. The nigga must've forgot I still had his bitch .. Once I had the confirmation the video sent .. I sent him a nice little picture of Candice tied up .. I was gonna finish whatever the fuck he started !!


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