Chapter Eighteen

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Treat You Better
Chapter Eighteen
«Mia Williams»
"Shawn, stop singing so perfectly." Sam sighs as Shawn laughs.

Shawn then starts to sing, shrieking's more like it, while Sam and I record him.

"I like you singing like an angel better." Sam says and locks her phone.

"Thanks." I smile and stare at the surroundings out of the window as Shawn drives us to our first adventure of the night.

We get there and Sam looks around, excitedly, and takes my hand as we run to some chairs in front of the screen. Shawn finally catches up with us and sits down next to me before laying a blanket on the three of us before the screen isn't black anymore and is playing the first season of my childhood.

"I love you guys." Sam says as the first episode Hannah Montana starts.

"I know, that's why I did this." I tell her and she licks my hand. Whenever she licks someone's hand, mainly mine, it means that she loves whatever it is that you've done.

"Love you." She whispers before she stuffs her face with some chocolate.

The girl's my best friend, obviously.

[Made July 16, 2016]

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