The Knight stood back up, putting a hand on his sons shoulder as he did.
He knew Robin was angry about this. He was most likely on the verge of killing one of these men right now. His eyes stared fiercely at the girl, a fire raging in him.

"You have to calm down Robin. We couldn't have stopped this." The Knight tried to calm his son. "Killing these men won't bring the girl back from the dead. You are definitely smart enough to know that."

The boy sat in silence, staring at the body. The Knight moved away from him, giving him his space. The boy had to breathe right now.
Batman proceeded to tie up the unconscious crooks. As he was wrapping a rope around them one of them stirred and his eyes lazily opened up. They then immediately closed again as the Knight punch him in the face, re-knocking him out.

He saw Robin's head spike up out if the corner of his eye.

"She just moved!" He exclaimed.

The Knight quickly looked at the body, waiting for it to move like the boy had said. When it didn't he looked at his son.

"I think you should wait outside Robin, this may be affecting you." Batman said.

"No, no. I'm serious. It mov—arrgghh"

Robin quickly jumped backwards as the body started convulsing fiercely. The girl's eyes suddenly opened and she started grunting a horrible sound. Her head looked around the entire room until its dead looking eyes fell upon Robin. The girl then started manically forcing her body towards the boy. But she wasn't going anywhere because she was tied up. The Knight helped his Robin up and the two stood a safe distance away from the girl.

"What did these men do to her?" Robin asked. "How do people live with themselves knowing they've done this?"

The Knight studied the girl. Her skin was pale, her eyes were grey, the sounds coming from her mouth were horrifying.

"I don't think these men did this to her Robin," Batman explained, he then grabbed his communicator. "Gordon?"

The communicator screeched with the sound of static.
Batman tried again.

"Gordon are you there?"

Again, nothing but static.
An explosion was suddenly heard in the distance. It shook the entire building. The Knight was about to go outside to investigate when he heard the growling of the girl intensify. He turned around to see the girl hastily crawling towards Robin. His son started stepping back as the girl got close, trying to decide whether he should hurt her or not.

The Knight wasn't sure what was happening, his son was under attack, by a girl who has been infected with something.
He ran towards the girl and grabbed her by the arms, holding her back from getting to Robin. Robin quickly got out of the way of her path. But the girl had chosen her next victim. She turned her head towards the Knight and started trying to attack him.
Batman instinctively pushed her away from him and she fell to the ground. The Knight froze, thinking he'd hurt her. But the girl shrugged it off and immediately stood up again, making her way back towards the Dark Knight. Robin intervened before she could get to him. He smashed a chair over her body. He stood over the girl and raised the chair above his head, getting ready to smash it into the girl once more.

"Robin No!" Batman ordered, grabbing hold of the chair leg.

"She's gone crazy Batman."

"That doesn't mean we beat them with chairs. We need to get her help."

The duo hadn't noticed that the girl had started moving again. She had almost gotten a grip on Robins leg. The boy noticed and quickly stepped back, instinctively slamming the chair down onto her body as he did. But that still didn't stop her. She continued to try and reach for the boy's leg. Again Robin stepped back, right back.

"What's wrong with her?" He queried.

The Knight looked at his son. The twelve year old looked confused. He himself was confused. He had no idea what in the world could have caused this.

"I'm not sure Robin. But I can't contact the police. We'll go to the roof and try to get onto Oracle. Maybe she'll have an idea.

The duo left the manic girl and made their way back up to the roof of the building. The same roof they were on before they busted the place.

"Oracle...Oracle are you there?" Batman tried, but there was no response.

He looked at his Robin and saw that his face showed utter frustration as he was looking down into the street. The Knight walked over to see what he was looking at and ended up showing the same face as his son.
The street was in chaos. Crashed cars, flames on the road, dead bodies. The Knight didn't understand how he hadn't heard the screams of the people before as they were running for their lives. but from what? He couldn't see anything that they could be afraid of.
He turned away from the street, walking back towards the centre of the rooftop. On his way he passed the window they jumped through before. What the Dark Knight saw as he looked inside shocked him.
They had forgotten about the men they had tied up inside. One of them was screaming as the girl.....
The girl that they presumed dead...

Was eating him alive.


I have no idea what I just started but I like it. 👍🏻

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