My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~ A Zedd Fanfiction

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That feeling when you get on stage in front of thousands of people screaming your name, holding up signs that they spent their time making, and even bothering to come support you. I finished my song and ran off stage, embraced in the arms of my friend , Kat, yeah Kat Von D. No, Kat Von D didn't get me famous at all, I posted videos of myself rapping to other people's songs. I didn't expect in a million years to get noticed, I didn't wanna get noticed either. Kat and I have been friends since preschool, and she noticed my talent. Kat made me post a lot of videos on YouTube. I didn't wanna become Justin Bieber, that's my main thing. I kinda did, I'm performing shows almost every night, and every person that comes to my shows, has seen and loved my videos.

"Holy Shit you did awesome!" Kat said hugging me.

"Aw thanks boo." I said hugging her.

"You fucking rocked!" Someone else said.

I smiled and gripped my mic. I walked to my dressing room with Kat behind me, she just talked about Joel. I loved Joel a lot, but didn't trust him. I was scared he would brake Kat's heart out if nowhere. I changed and grabbed my purse and keys then left. I drove Kat to her house as she talked the whole time. We reached her house, and she opened the door and closed it with a force.

"Bye!" She said.

"Bye love you!" I said.

"Love you too!" She said.

I backed out and cut on the radio my song was on.

"Damn." I said to myself.

I reached my driveway, locked my car and walked toward my house. I opened the door to see my cat waiting for me. I smiled dropped my purse and went over to the couch. I cut on the TV to "Keeping Up with the Kardashions" and rubbed Sassy's head till I drifted off slowly.

Hi guys! I'm sorry this was so shitty.. But thanks for bothering to read it!

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~ A Zedd FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now