Third person POV

Right as angel is about to help her up she collapse. Everyone runs over to her to see whats wrong. "Guys what's wrong with her?" Gaz asks. "I think she passed out from to much blood loss" Fang answers. "WE NEED TO GET HER TO A HOSPITAL OR SOMETHING NOW" Max yells. "Ok first who is taking her and r we all going?" Iggy asks. "Um u can carry her cuz u asked and yes we r all going NOW HURRY!" Max says.

*Timeskip at hospital*

Still Third

"Uhh I'm bored" Gaz says. "Ok I have an idea then Gaz u could tell me what the girl looks like" Iggy says. "Um... Ok? well first she has blonde hair and brown eyes." "Ok go on..." "She looks about 17 or 18, she is really skinny." "Um..." he leans over to iggy and says, "she has a really big chest and is really hot Gaz whispers to him." Iggy start blushing and as he try to image her, also thinking that's why she was so lit. "Um Iggy r u ok?" Fang asks confused? "Ya I'm fine Fang its just hot in here" Iggy states. "Um is there anyone here for a Lucy Heartfilia?" Six people jump up and say "yes." "Well ok would u please follow me then." Everyone begins to follows her. She stops and shows them into a room. "Hello everyone my name is Maka and I need to talk to u about your friend." Everyone's eyes widen and Angel and Nudge start crying. "No oh my goodness she is not died she is just fine we just have a few questions about her." "Like what" Max asks? *grabs x-rays* and shows them. Everyone is shocked to say the least. On the x-rays of her back (which was hurt badly) her spin was positioned differently then a normal person, and on the next one she showed them it was her left arm but it had something in it. "We don't really know what this is but we saw it and wanted to show u." Max grabs the picture and looks at Fang who is looking at her shocked. "Um I'm sorry Mrs..." "Maka, Maka Evans." "Ok Mrs.Evans um when will we be about to see her we really need to." Maka gets up and says "follow me I will take u to her." Everyone gets up and starts walking except Fang who grabs the x-rays then leaves.

When they finally get there Maka lets them in and says "I'll let u guys talk a little bit then she leaves." Everyone starts to walk up to Lucy.

Lucy POV

Uh where I'm I? I start looking around as I do I see some people near me... Oh those r the people from earlier. "Hey guys how r u" I say trying to sit up but realize my back hurt really badly wonder why? "Why didn't u tell us" Max says. "What do u mean? Tell u what? I told u everything from the past day before I met u?" "THAT U WERE LIKE ME U HAVE A CHIP IN YOUR ARM." "What do u mean like u?" "Let me show u." She pulls out the picture of my arm and shows me. "Um I've never know about this I swear."


"Angel come here please." "Ok... what do u need😃?" "Um I was going to ask if she even knew about her chip or not?" "One sec I'll ask." She goes to talk to Lucy for a minute or so then comes back over to me. "Nope she doesn't" Angel says. "Ok thanks sweetie." I then walk over to Lucy and explain everything to her or at least try.

*After explanation*

Third person POV

"I wonder why they beat u up so much?" Nudge says. "I going to guess because they wanted us to know she has a chip cuz she didn't know" Max states. That makes sense why it hurts to even move right now Lucy says sadly. *everyone looks at eachother then back at her* "Ya lets go with that" Fang wispers. "Also I have a another question... Who r u guys?" "Oh right we never told u our names" Max chuckled. "Well the little 8 year old girl is Angel, the 10 year old boy is Gazzy, Angels brother, next is Nudge she is 14, um this is Fang he is 17, this is Iggy he is 18 he is also blind, and last there's me I'm 18 and my name is Maximum Ride..."

"Wait... That means... I'M SUPPOSE YO HELP I SAVE THE WORLD!!" Lucy yells. "Haha ya sorry I forgot to tell u that" Max says scratching the back of her head. "Also everyone we need to leave or the Erasers might find us" Max states. "Wait what about Lucy we can't just leave her" Iggy says worried. "Who said we were going to, now Iggy grab her and lets go" Max says smiling. "Wait I can't let u carry me" Lucy says nervously. "What! Why?" Iggy asks? "Because I'm heavy and I'll feel bad for making u carry me" Lucy sadly says😔. "Hahaha oh my god your funny" Iggy states. *drops to ground laughing*  "Wait want to u mean I'm funny all I said was i was heavy" questions Lucy? "Ur *breathe* one of the *breathe* lightest *breathe* people I've *breathe* ever carried" Iggy says trying to catch his breathe. "Why would u even think that your heavy?" "Um... Because  Happy alwas says I am" Lucy mumbles. "Who's happy?" Gaz questions? "I'll show u if u guys still have my suit case" Lucy says looking for her suit case.

"Here" Nudge says handling the suit case to her. "Thanks" *digs through and looks for her keys* "Haha found them" Lucy says smiling. "Um what r those?" Fang asks. "I'll tell u later anyway open gate of the lion, Leo" "Yes princess" Loki says ignoring everyone else in the room who are all currently in shock. "Can u go to the guild and get Happy and ask him, and only him to come with u" Lucy asks. " Anything for u princess" Loki says as he disappears.

**At guild**


It's a normal day at the guild with fights, magic, and drunk people. Until everyone one sees a bright yellow light.
Loki- Um is Happy here I need him?
Natsu- Why do u need him?
Loki- Idk Lucy told me to get him so please come her Happy Lucy needs your help!
Happy- What! Lucy asked for my help aye must be in trouble lets go!
Natsu- Ya lets go!
Loki- That means Happy no one else! By everyone, lets go Happy!
Happy- Aye sur

**Back at hospital**

Fang POV

"Um I'm sorry but whats taking him so long?" *sigh* "Natsu" "Who's that?" "My best friend and team mate bit he's kind like a brother to me" *Then there's a really bright light*

Lucy POV

"I'm back with Happy princess" " Luseeee your alright I though u were in trouble" he says crying into my chest "I'm ok Happy I just wanted u to meet some people" *points at everyone*

*After meeting everyone and talking a little*

"Wait so if u were in the forest how did u get to the hospital?" Happy asks. "I carried her here" Iggy says. *here it comes facepalm* "I bet she was really heavy, did u do it cuz u llliikkkeee hhheeerrr" Happy says laughing. "SHUT UP STUPID CAT" me and Iggy yell at the same time making both of us blush. And then...
I know it was bad sorry for that tell me what I should do differently... Thanks bye 😄😋

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