Learning to be Beautiful ~16~

Start from the beginning

Callie snorted, “Are you kidding? If Pierre was a… a Death Eater or something, he would be lamest Death Eater in the history of forever. He’d be just about as harmful as Draco trying to kill Dumbledore: a nice thought, but totally not possible. The man is a butterfly.”

“A butterfly that is very, very mad right now, Ms. Strumm, and I would thank you if you wouldn’t compare me to one of the lamest evil characters in literary history.” Pierre swept into the room dramatically and put his hands on his hips.

“You’re obviously forgetting about James from Twilight. He barely lasted five seconds; at least Draco managed to survive through every book.”

“James sparkled. No man that sparkles can be considered a villain.” Pierre winked a baby-blue eye at us and grabbed the trash-bag in the corner. Thrusting it forcefully into Linc’s unsuspecting arms, he grinned even wider than before. “Make yourself useful and take this out for me.”

Mumbling and grumbling the whole way out, the young man exited the room while Callie, Pierre and I watched. From her position on the couch, Callie started to snicker, covering her mouth with one of her small hands. At the sound, Pierre turned around, blue eyes flashing dangerously. “Calphurnia Marie Strumm, make yourself useful and clean the basement bathroom.”

The order must have had more meaning to her than it did to me because her face wrinkled in disgust, “The basement bathroom? But that bathroom is—“

“Revolting. Yes.  I suggest you hop to it.” Pierre waved his hands in a shooing motion at the tiny model until she finally left. Then, with a sigh, he turned to me, “Aislyn, if you would kindly come with me…” He turned swiftly and started to walk out of the room.

I hesitantly followed him; what if he gave me a task like Callie’s? Would I have to clean the garage with a toothbrush?

Pierre walked leisurely through the hallways of his huge house, whistling as he went. He turned several times, and by the time we reached the room he wanted to be in, I was positive that I would never find my way out of his home ever again. We had arrived in a kitchen, with purple walls. China plates hung on the walls in artsy positions and stainless steel appliances were neatly organized along the walls and counters. Waving one hand, the designer motioned for me to sit at a small table in one corner of his kitchen.

“Uh, what’s up?”

Pierre settled in his seat opposite me and laced his fingers together on the table-top. “Aislyn, you know how tomorrow night I will be auctioning off dances with my models, yes?”

“Yeah…” At the very least, I wasn’t going to clean something disgusting with only a toothbrush. “You… you don’t want me to… You’re not going to…”

“No, I’m not going to auction your dances off… this time. I will be holding another charity gala in August, and I fully expect you to dance with many a young man to raise money.” The blond designer smirked and, before I could cut in, continued. “But, I was wondering…” He bit his lip and danced his fingers across the wooden top of the table.


“Could you, perhaps, get your friend—that Gavin lad—to auction off a few dances?” His words came out in a giant rush, like he was in a hurry to get his request over-with.

The thought of Gavin dancing with a bunch of beautiful, rich women made me laugh—the boy would be in heaven. “I’ll see what I can do, Pierre.”

“Oh, goodie!” Pierre clapped his hands together excitedly. “The women will just eat. Him. Up.” One blond eyebrow shot up at my stifled giggle—if Gavin could hear that he would probably auction off his dances in a heartbeat. “If I gambled I would bet he and Linc will be the most popular young men on the dance-floor.”

I smiled and nodded my head, “I’m sure they will be.”


Yuck. I am SO SO sorry about the long wait, you guys! I got writer's block--bleurgh--and it took me forever to find a shred of inspiration. I know you guys probably are very unhappy with this chapter, to be perfectly honest, I am too. I hate this chapter. >.< But the next chapter I have all planned out and it's going to be fun. ^ ^

On to a question for ya'll:

What do you think of Linc and Callie?

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