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Ethan and I have been married for two years now and it has been the best two years of my life. We had a small and beautiful wedding with family and friends. We didn't honeymoon but we made good on our promise to have sex in every room in the house. My father and Jemma got married a few weeks after and I was happy to see him get on with his life.

Jason and Mary Ann tied the knot a few months ago so did Tyrone and Kim. Ally and Drake were working their way there and she seems happy.

Ethan and I got a bigger house because he said he only wanted the best for his family and we were working on christening every room when I got pregnant again. He was happy that we were having more children other than Emily who was now walking and talking pulling down everything in her path.

The baby wasn't due until a few more days but this morning at breakfast he was hell bent on making his debut. We were at the breakfast table Ethan was feeding Emily applesauce and I was stuffing my face with egg and bacon. I felt the little pain but the doctor said that it could be Braxton Hics. When it happens I shouldn't worry, but the pain got worse. I rubbed my stomach and I stood when the water broke.

"Ethan." I said but he was busy with a giggling Emily. She found it funny to push the sauce out. "Ethan." I said again and he looked up.

"Honey." He smiled at me.

"My water just broke." I told him and he sat paralyzed for a seconds before rushing over to me and carrying me to the couch near the door. He ran up the stairs he was still in his pyjama pants but he came back down with a shirt on. We had a birth phone tree and he texted that it was baby time. He had a bag in his hand and Emily in the other, he opened the door rushed to the car and strapped her in.

"How far apart are your contractions?" he asked.

"About five minutes, but it hurts so bad." I cried.

"I know honey." He scooped me up and carried me to the car and jumped in as we drove like crazy to the hospital.

"Ethan I am going to kill you." I said as another contraction made its way. I squeezed his hand hard and not once did he flinch.

"Okay honey you're doing great."

"Feels like my vagina is being ripped apart!" I yelled at him. The contraction ended and I was put in a wheel chair and Ethan was behind me with Emily. They put me in one of the Bakersfield hospital suites and striped me down and put me in a hospital gown.

"Do you want epidural?" The nurse asked.

"No." I said as Ethan put the stuff away.

"Belle are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes I am." I rubbed my belly.

The rest of the family had come and dad and Jemma came and got Emily while the others stayed. The nurse came and checked how dilated I was it felt like I would forever be in pain.

"I want the epidural now it hurts too much." I cried.

"You can't get it now you dilated. We need everybody out." The doctor said pushing the others out while Ethan stayed and held my hand.

"Get my Dad!" I yelled.

"Okay." he scurried out and he came back with my Dad now in one of the gowns like Ethan, the doctor and nurses.

"Push." The doctor said and I did but it hurt so much.

"Just breathe honey." Ethan cooed as I pushed again.

"I can't!" I yelled.

"Push." I tried hard squeezing Ethan and my Dad's hand.

"Breathe." They both kept saying and I was but they were getting on my nerves.

"Shut up I am breathing!" I yelled at them.

"The baby is crowning." The doctor said, Ethan looked and I swear he was going to faint but he looked at me and smiled. "Now Cassabelle I want one big push."

"Okay." I heaved.

"Push." He said and I screamed and pushed and when I stopped I heard the baby crying. "Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" The doctor asked Ethan and he shook his head. He went and cut it and the nurse wrapped the baby in a blanket and handed him to me.

"A beautiful baby boy." Ethan said smiling at me. "I love you." He kissed my forehead.

"I love you too. What should we name him?" I looked over at both Ethan and my father.

"Nathaniel Edwin Bakersfield." Ethan said with a smile.

"I like it." I said. He had my two favourite men's name.

"Me too." My father smiled.

"Welcome to the world little guy, I'm your mom," I smiled. "He's your dad and that's your grandfather." I smiled.

"Mrs. Bakersfield we have to take the baby to make sure all is right." The nurse came up beside Ethan.

"Okay." I said and gave him to her.

"We'll have him back before you know it." She smiled and walked away with the now crying baby.

They let me rest because being in labour for a whole day is exhausting. When I woke up Nathaniel was beside me in a basinet sleeping. My baby.

"Mama." A little voice squealed and I turned to see Emily running towards the bed.

"Hey baby." I picked her up. She looked over at the baby and smiled, she was smart for her age. "That's your baby brother Nathaniel." I smiled at her. Ethan and the others slowly came in with balloons and teddy bear.

"Congratulations." They whispered and I smiled.

"Thanks guys." Ethan came up and lay a big kiss on me.

"So when are you guys having another?" Mary Ann asked.

"No time soon." Ethan answered. "She threatened to kill me." He shivered and I smiled.

"I'm sorry babe." I squeezed his hand.

"When are you going home?" Kim asked.

"Soon just have to make sure all is well down there." I said to her and she understood.

"Is it true after giving birth your vagina gets tighter?" Ally asked and I blushed.

"I don't know." I said.

"You're making her uncomfortable stop it." Drake poked her.

Ethan's big and very loud family came it and as they came in the baby woke. They muttered sorry's and Ethan gave me the baby they had to see if he would take breast milk. He did thankfully because he was good like his sister. I looked up at Ethan and he had a smirk on his face he was having a dirty thought.

He bent down and whispered in my ear. "Nathan and I will be switching places in a few weeks." I blushed like crazy and he laughed and I elbowed him he scooped up Emily who was on my knees.

"Let's take a photo." Heather said and everybody gathered around the bed with broad smiles while the nurse took the photo. Nathan's first family photo. This was my family now bigger than I ever imagined and I have the most perfect man to share and make it with.

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