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The italics are Dami's dream.
"Father it was not my fault I swear it was not" I plead with my Father he nearly got killed when we were fighting killer Croc
"It was all your fault Demon" The last person who I would think would call me that came into view,
"Grayson?" I ask as tears threatened to spill
"Yeah it was your fault you let him get out of your grasp and nearly kill Bruce if it wasn't your fault then pigs can fly"
He spits in my face then slaps me
"Grayson this isn't like you" I whisper holding my face, just then Todd and Drake come down the stairs leading from the manor
"Dicky bird is right Demon scum" Todd sneers
"Yeah I wish you just were never born the world would be better if you just died" Drake knees me in my stomach and then punches me
"T Todd what are you doing?" Jason is holding a gun at my chest
"I don't like killing Jason but this is the exception do it" Father says
"Jay can I do it?" Drake asks Todd hands the gun over and Drake pulls the trigger
Damian's POV
I shot up of my pillow Im shaking and sweating profusely I glance out my window there is a gale wind and rain storm aaaoutside my alarm clock says its One am
Tears are streaming down my face from the dream,
I have been having these dreams for over 2 months
They are right I sude just die
I grab one of my smaller knives
Slash a gash on my right arm
Slash one on my left arm
Slash slash my legs
Slash I now have a gash on my chest
I'm starting to feel lightheaded so I stumble down stairs
Crap Drake is reading on the sofa
I slide into the shadows and finally reach the door and get out side.
Tim's POV
It's around 3:30 when I finish my book I decided to go to bed
That was a good bo...
"What the.."
There is a trail of blood on the floor behind the sofa it leads to the door
I run outside its kinda hard to see but there is a lump that is darker than the rest
I go and investigate
There in the middle of the yard is my little brother he looks like he passed out
Blood is seeping from gashes on his arms legs and...Chest
I pick up the broken form and run inside
"ALFRED" I yell I don't even hear the tread of the butlers feet as I run to the grandfathers clock and hurry into the Bat Cave
I set the little bird down on the table
"Oh my goodness gracious What happened Master Timothy?" Alfred is beside me before I know it
"What is going on here?" Bruce appears in the cave entrance Jay and Dick are right behind him,
"I don't know what happened I finished my book and started to go to bed then I saw a trail of blood leading to the door and there Dami was knocked out in the middle of the yard when it was raining"
"Dami" Dick shrieks and runs over to the cot where our little bird is lying
"Its nerve racking seeing him so still, He would never gotten hurt this bad if he was on patrol" Jay says
"Bet that is the strange part he wasn't in his Robin suit" I tell them
"Please Masters I cant work if all of you are talking" Alfred interrupts us.
I volunteer to stay at home today so I could watch Damian in case he woke up but I was not expecting something like this,
Damian is freaking out
"Damian calm down"
He starts to sob
"I should have died" he is sobbing uncontrollably
I wrap him in a hug
"Dami what happened? why do you feel the need to die?" I ask
He tells me his dream and at the end he starts to cry even harder
Me and Jason have been teasing him a lot more now that there hasn't been any crime for a while so I suspect thats why Dami had this dream
"Im sorry Dami we would never say or do that" I tell him
"Really?" When I look down instead of an assassin and a killer I see what he really is a boy, A boy that is trying to fit in, A boy that has had a hard life, A boy that is even more broken than Jason.
"Of course Little bird you are our brother and Bruce is your Father we would never treat you that way, Amd me And Jay have just been expressing our distaste to being stuck indoors"
Damian hugs me hard
"Im sorry I tried to kill my self" His eyes start to drop
"I know Dami I know how it feels" I whisper as he falls asleep
"Man I didn't know teasing him like that would create such a reaction" Jason feels even worse than I do
Bruce gave us a big lecture about teasing Dami.
Its been six months since Damian tried to kill him self he caught a very bad cold and wouldn't admit it just like all the other times
But he is back to been the normal Demon we are used to...
A snow ball hits my head
"Got you Drake" I hear
"Im gona get you you little demon" I shout I grab a hand full of snow
"Prepare for a snow noggie"
Damian runs away and hides in the wood
Unknown to us Bruce is smiling as he watches us
Hope you enjoyed
I have another book published its called Island life its about the Bat bros on an island check it out
Thank you for all the votes and comments
I will try to update as soon as possible

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