Three boys get kicked out Wallmart & Dami's Sugar high

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Three boys get kicked out Wallmart
Tim's POV
Me,Demon, Jason and Alfred are going shopping
Well technically Bruce told us to go out side and Alfred decided that he wanted us to accompany him to the store
"We will meet at the cash registers" Alfred tells us then walks off to get a cart
"So what do we do now Todd?" Dami asks me
Me and Tim smirk
"We are going to have a prank war" Tim tells him Dami looks confused
"What do you mean?" he asks I drag him and Tim to the book isle
"We try to prank everybody in this store Tim already hacked the cameras identified everyone and found out their phobias
Every name is made up (Well most of them are)
Camara's POV
Mrs Marvin
Phobia: The dark,Ghosts,Rats
Tim hacks the lights
Jason and Damian hide behind clothes racks and move them towards Mrs Marvin every time Tim turns the lights off,
Damian has prerecorded Ghost noises,
Mrs Marvin runs screaming out of the store with robotic rats on her heels
Mr Conard
Phobia: Crying kids, Voices that seam to come from nowhere
With much bribery Damian runs up tho Mr Conard and starts crying and scream that "He lost his mommy"
Dami and Tim hide under the vegetable carts No Idea if thats what they are called and moan Mr Conards name spookily
Jason uses his disguise cloak and disguises himself like Mrs Conard who died 10 years ago
Mr Conard faints after uttering "Sweet sticky gumdrops"
Miss Heres
Phobia:Spiders,bees,Mice,Roaches,Sleeping Children (I know it weird thats probably why she never got a husband)
Jason rigs a bucket of robotic insects and dumps them on her head
Damian walks up to her an "Passes out"
Tim and Jason put together a roach costume and when Miss Heres goes the try on some clothes she opens the stall and finds a giant insect
She runs out of the store screaming "I won't kill another insect as long as I live" her sister comes home to find he in a corner rocking
Tim"s POV
A security guard found us after only the third person.
Alfred's POV
When a security guard find me and ask me " Are these yours?" Behind him are three sheepish boys
Bruce's POV
I get a call from Tim at work
"Hey Bruce funny thing happened at the store".

Damian's sugar high
Tim's POV
"Hey Jason"
"I am going to say this clearly WE ARE NEVER GOING TO GIVE DAMI SUGAR AGAIN?!?!?!?!" I yell at Jay bird
we are currently tied to the chandelier.
"Hey Timmy" Jay bugs me
"What?" I finally crack
"Damian hasn't had candy before where is your secret candy stash?"
That got my attention
"Dami hasn't had candy?"
"Wait here get Demon I will get the candy" I tell him while I run out of the living room
Flash forward
We finally get untangled from the chandelier Dami put us up there so we could listen to him singing (Not pleasant at all) "Jay call Bruce " I tell Jason
"Ok" he gets his phone and starts dialling
something gets my attention on the second floor
"Hey Bruce we have a problem" I hear Jason in the background
But I am to petrified to listen Damian is on the small balcony that over looks the living room that's normal but what he is about to do is what horrified me
He is on the edge of the balcony with paper home made wings attached to his arms
I tap Jay on the shoulder
"Tim I'm a bit bu....Holy jalapeños" Jason drops his phone
"Now ladies and gentlemen I will now be able to fly" Damian Jumps while sing "I believe I can fly"
A sick feeling forms in my stomach as I watch him drop tho the floor in slow motion
"DAMIAN?!?!?!?" Jason screams not in a bad way but in a terrified way
Damian hits the floor with a sickening crash
and everything speeds up
Me and Jay rush to the floor Jay's phone forgotten on the floor
Jason cradles Dami in his arms
"How bad is it?"I ask grimly
"It looks like he has a broken wrist,Dislocated shoulder and maybe a concussion" he tells me
"A concussion?" I ask how can he tell that?
" He hit his head on the table"
Damian's eyes begin to flutter open
"Todd? Drake? what happened?" He asks us in a pained voice
"You and sugar don't mix, Thats what happened" Jay tells him
Damian's eyes begin to close
"No demon you have to keep your eyes open" Jason shakes him
"It hurts" Dami winces as Jason picks him up
"I know little bird just hold on"
"Tim call Bruce" Jason tells me
Time skip later that night
"He's going to be fine" Alfred tells us as he exits Damian's room where he is sleeping
"And young masters?" Alfred turns to us as we are about to enter little bird's room
"Yes Alfred?" Jason replies
"If you give Master Damian sugar again make sure its not a pound bag of candy"
Jay and me nod
"We will only give him one sweet thing if we do" I tell him
and we turn and enter our little brothers room
Bruce's POV
When I come home I find all three boys curled up in Damian's bed.
So what do you think?
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